martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Open-mindedness over oligophrenia...

Don't be an April Fool: Question Everything. There is not much better advice for anyone these days: the more we think we know the less we probably really do know: "many Westerners feel that, without this [24 hour news] constant input, they would be woefully uninformed", so writes Jeff Thomas at International Man:
"The average news programme features a commentator who provides 'the news,' or at least that portion of events that the network deems worthy to be presented. In addition, it is presented from the political slant of the controllers of the network. But we are reassured that the reporting is 'balanced,' in a portion of the programme that features a panel of 'experts.'"
No prizes for guessing who I'm thinking of but of course there are more. Especially true is the chapter Evolution of Indoctrination:  "In bygone eras, the kings of old would tell their minions what to believe... 
...Today, a far more effective method exists...In a democracy, there is always an "A" and a "B." This illusion of choice is infinitely more effective in helping the populace to believe that they have been able to choose their leaders and their points of view."...
"To consider that the event that is being discussed may not only be being falsely reported, but that the message being provided by the pundits may be consciously planned for our consumption."
Question Everything...

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