miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

Observatory of overkill...

Not a pleasant post to end the year: another day in paradise: El Universal reports that the murder rate in Venezuela keeps rising: just one good reason to leave according to the OVV (Venezuelan Observatory of Violence). The graph (left: click to enlarge or follow link to OVV) shows an alarming growth in violent deaths but even this is overshadowed by the growth in kidnappings (see graph below) and this figure can't be called into question so easily as it comes from the CICPC, Venezuela's largest national police agency; obviously the non official figure is several times this rate because express kidnappings may not be included in data: imagine the graph!

Wiki: Crime in Venezuela [link]

Could the "real culprit for the rampant crime in Venezuela [be] socialism"? Why Is There So Much Crime In Venezuela? From Valuewalk: PDF

Observatory of overkill...

Not a pleasant post to end the year: another day in paradise: El Universal reports that the murder rate in Venezuela keeps rising: just one good reason to leave according to the OVV (Venezuelan Observatory of Violence). The graph (left: click to enlarge or follow link to OVV) shows an alarming growth in violent deaths but even this is overshadowed by the growth in kidnappings (see graph below) and this figure can't be called into question so easily as it comes from the CICPC, Venezuela's largest national police agency; obviously the non official figure is several times this rate because express kidnappings may not be included in data: imagine the graph!

Wiki: Crime in Venezuela [link]
Could the "real culprit for the rampant crime in Venezuela [be] socialism"? Why Is There So Much Crime In Venezuela? From Valuewalk: PDF

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014

Owbridges: our onomatomania...

...but not really obsessed like my own 'O': merely a wonderful nostalgia-inducing Sunday Post from Petunia Winegum at The Raccoon Arms: A Lost Lexicon of England. The comments are worth a read too as readers add their own tuppenyworth.

Owbridges: our onomatomania...

...but not really obsessed like my own 'O': merely a wonderful nostalgia-inducing Sunday Post from Petunia Winegum at The Raccoon Arms: A Lost Lexicon of England. The comments are worth a read too as readers add their own tuppenyworth.

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Overpopulation obscurantism...

The 'tale that this image tells' should not be a reason to overpopulate London (click to enlarge/see in focus!).

Overpopulation obscurantism...

The 'tale that this image tells' should not be a reason to overpopulate London (click to enlarge/see in focus!).

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Opposition oppression III...

...and it's real oppression back in Venezuela and the public enemy number one: Maria Corina Machado. The BBC reports of the trumped up charges of conspiracy and/ or threatening/ plotting to kill the President. She was finally released but a future charge will be brought as the powers that be don't like people disagreeing publicly.

Just so you know what's what, Caracas Chronicles have put together an unbelievable list of "the torrent of abuse she’s faced these last few years". Her support team also has a website of the persecution.

In other news, Venezuela may sell its soul debt to the Vampire Squid

Opposition oppression III...

...and it's real oppression back in Venezuela and the public enemy number one: Maria Corina Machado. The BBC reports of the trumped up charges of conspiracy and/ or threatening/ plotting to kill the President. She was finally released but a future charge will be brought as the powers that be don't like people disagreeing publicly.

Just so you know what's what, Caracas Chronicles have put together an unbelievable list of "the torrent of abuse she’s faced these last few years". Her support team also has a website of the persecution.

In other news, Venezuela may sell its soul debt to the Vampire Squid