Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa...first I must say that I don't buy the Sun newspaper (yes, and some of my best friends are Black, Muslim, gay...); to be honest I have VERY rarely even looked at it - honest! - but today, despite how illogical it may sound when you consider what I have just written, I was delighted to discover that the oft maligned Page 3 will continue! Clarification and corrections:
"FURTHER to recent reports in all other media outlets, we would like to clarify that on Page 3 of today's Sun is a picture of Nicole, 22, from Bournemouth.
We would like to apologise on behalf of the print and broadcast journalists who have spent the last two days talking and writing about us"
Hat-tip Guido. The best thing for me about all this of course is that it is one in the eye for all those against free speech and free expression (i.e. the poll that showed 86 per cent of loony left Guardian readers were anti Page 3, hat-tip Stephen Bayley) And no doubt that what Brendan O'Neill wrote in the DT earlier this week is perfectly true: "Without realising it, feminist do-gooders kept the Sun's outdated institution alive and thriving into the second decade of the 21st century".
The No More Page 3 campaign - on their website - 'Boobs aren't News', 'wish to make two things clear': 1. *CONTEXT* We love breasts! And have nothing against the women who choose to show them, we simply feel that a family newspaper is the wrong context for these images. 2. *EQUAL REPRESENTATION* all we are really asking is that women be represented with respect in the newspaper, rather like men are. Erm...family newspaper? And who really buys the Sun for the news? Sport, tits, crosswords etc...but news? Pah! Plus, to address their 2nd point, perhaps we could push Martin Robbins' idea in the NS more than a couple of years back**: The sinister campaign against Page 3:
"Put more boobs on Page 3, and add some cocks too. Show people of every size, shape, colour, gender and sexuality; let them speak in their own voice, and celebrate them all. That, rather than self-censorship of adult-oriented content, would be a progressive tabloid revolution worth fighting for."
** Unbelievable tripe in the NS today though: "The purpose of Page 3 is to humiliate, chasten and bully women". FFS!
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