sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

Only one outlier...

Interesting stuff: How Britain voted on May 7th – the Ipsos MORI guide (click image to enlarge but better to see it HERE at Political Betting unless you're eagle-eyed). Not much we didn't already know/ suspect; personally I find it odd that 65% of BME still voted Labour although this is lower than in 2010 when they got 68% (and this was down from much higher historical levels: see conclusions in Runnymede Trust PDF also re 2010); presumably another reason for New Labour's disgraceful, cynical and probably treasonous immigration policy (MW briefing paper) [yes, I know the Coalition did nothing to reverse it].

This time the Conservatives increased their share of the BME vote: maybe just a result of the collapse of the Lib Dem vote...[edit] more info HERE re BME split: black and minority ethnic identifying as Christians plus Muslims preferring Labour but Hindus and Sikhs preferring the Conservatives to Labour, again IMHO, no real surprise.

Also, back to the PB link: "Meanwhile the British Polling Council has announced details of its inquiry into what went wrong with the polls." Could the EU IN/OUT polls be equally flawed?

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