The USA has elected its next President. Ows delayed reaction: crazy week for me in work and play; trying to sort slight problems in Colombia, Chile and Spain. What a job! Hardly read any news so far (reams to get through!) re the fantastic and hoped for election of a POTUS to break the mould (not mold). The Donald may not be your cup of tea but I get the feeling he will do a great job: a la Ronald Reagan. This will be VERY good for the UK and Brexit. 2016: the year the worm turned.
A message to POTUS-elect Trump and VP Pence: be all you can be. Make the USA* great again.
[edit] 2:15 pm : Highlighting and concurring with Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán [in London] who said "The world has always benefited whenever it has managed to release itself from the captivity of currently dominant ideological trends"...
..."This also gives the rest of the Western world the chance to free itself from the captivity of ideologies, of political correctness, and of modes of thought and expression which are remote from reality: the chance to come back down to earth and see the world as it really is."
[*there are others in 'America' you know]
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