sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016

Outgoing Obama's outrageous outrecuidance...

O to go...

Battling for position as current number one threat to world peace? IMHO Obama must be in with a chance: just WTF is he on? Crazy lame duck domestic policies [like putting between 1.5 and 2 million MORE acres under federal control in Utah and Nevada - remember they own most of Nevada anyway and over half of Utah (expect rebellious locals NOT to be happy...again), no vote, no debate] are almost expected of this most petulant of POTUS but on Israel (no surprise?) and on Russia (sassed) he is playing a very odd and dangerous game. He is also bringing thousands more Muslims at the same time as dismantling the post 9/11 registry for Muslims.

Jan 20th can't come soon enough.

outrecuidancen. - egomania; gross conceit (as ever, from Luciferous Logolepsy: "dragging obscure words into the light of day".

Update: "I’m a former lifelong Democrat, stating here a clear and incontestable fact: Barack Obama is a failed President." [LINK]; lots of detail.

Outgoing Obama's outrageous outrecuidance...

O to go...
Battling for position as current number one threat to world peace? IMHO Obama must be in with a chance: just WTF is he on? Crazy lame duck domestic policies [like putting between 1.5 and 2 million MORE acres under federal control in Utah and Nevada - remember they own most of Nevada anyway and over half of Utah (expect rebellious locals NOT to be happy...again), no vote, no debate] are almost expected of this most petulant of POTUS but on Israel (no surprise?) and on Russia (sassed) he is playing a very odd and dangerous game. He is also bringing thousands more Muslims at the same time as dismantling the post 9/11 registry for Muslims.

Jan 20th can't come soon enough.

outrecuidancen. - egomania; gross conceit (as ever, from Luciferous Logolepsy: "dragging obscure words into the light of day".

Update: "I’m a former lifelong Democrat, stating here a clear and incontestable fact: Barack Obama is a failed President." [LINK]; lots of detail.

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016


Un-fucking-believable. Steerpike's column at The Spectator reveals more BBC chronic lefty bias, after their nauseating Castro Love-in last month I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. There is so much wrong there on a par with how the BBC teaches youngsters how it was nasty Western Europeans attacked those loving Muslims in The Crusades.

"On the BBC’s Bitesize study site, there is a revision guide on Stalin’s Five Year plans. It turns out that — as far as the Beeb is concerned — they were, broadly speaking, a ‘success’ that brought ‘great improvements’"

This is truly even beyond a joke; Pythonesque satire. Worth reading the comments at the Spectator. 


Un-fucking-believable. Steerpike's column at The Spectator reveals more BBC chronic lefty bias, after their nauseating Castro Love-in last month I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. There is so much wrong there on a par with how the BBC teaches youngsters how it was nasty Western Europeans attacked those loving Muslims in The Crusades.
"On the BBC’s Bitesize study site, there is a revision guide on Stalin’s Five Year plans. It turns out that — as far as the Beeb is concerned — they were, broadly speaking, a ‘success’ that brought ‘great improvements’"

This is truly even beyond a joke; Pythonesque satire. Worth reading the comments at the Spectator. 

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Owe-zone (2011) debt web: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-15748696

Eurozone debt web: Who owes what to whom?

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Obama's outbreak obsession...

Before the Obama news, I thought it worth pointing out a couple of really interesting things: to me anyway :-)

1. Trump as POTUS elect has finally been confirmed by the Electoral College and despite the surge and outcry of undemocratic lefty whingers, wasters, slebs and crybabies to change the minds of the electors, more Democrats than Republicans went rogue [Reuters]. So funny.

2. The Clinton Archipelago. Amazing but on the voting map theme there is plenty of interesting and revealing info; the 3rd map on that last link is crazy: the Democrats have 'total control' in only 5 (FIVE) states. [Update: those previous two links now moved behind Washington Post paywall]

OK, Obama: it seems he is set on doing as much as he can to make a name for himself before leaving office (well he needs to do something, so far the negative side is far away in credit). Yesterday he pardoned 231 criminals"the most individual acts of clemency granted in a single day by any president in this nation’s history."... ..."the President has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals".

Cooool, as Eric Cartman would [not] say, but that is more than the last ELEVEN presidents put together, some would call that obsessive.

Obama's outbreak obsession...

Before the Obama news, I thought it worth pointing out a couple of really interesting things: to me anyway :-)
1. Trump as POTUS elect has finally been confirmed by the Electoral College and despite the surge and outcry of undemocratic lefty whingers, wasters, slebs and crybabies to change the minds of the electors, more Democrats than Republicans went rogue [Reuters]. So funny.
2. The Clinton Archipelago. Amazing but on the voting map theme there is plenty of interesting and revealing info; the 3rd map on that last link is crazy: the Democrats have 'total control' in only 5 (FIVE) states. [Update: those previous two links now moved behind Washington Post paywall]

OK, Obama: it seems he is set on doing as much as he can to make a name for himself before leaving office (well he needs to do something, so far the negative side is far away in credit). Yesterday he pardoned 231 criminals"the most individual acts of clemency granted in a single day by any president in this nation’s history."... ..."the President has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals". Cooool, as Eric Cartman would [not] say, but that is more than the last ELEVEN presidents put together, some would call that obsessive.

Obama's outbreak obsession...

Before the Obama news, I thought it worth pointing out a couple of really interesting things: to me anyway :-)
1. Trump as POTUS elect has finally been confirmed by the Electoral College and despite the surge and outcry of undemocratic lefty whingers, wasters, slebs and crybabies to change the minds of the electors, more Democrats than Republicans went rogue [Reuters]. So funny.
2. The Clinton Archipelago. Amazing but on the voting map theme there is plenty of interesting and revealing info; the 3rd map on that last link is crazy: the Democrats have 'total control' in only 5 (FIVE) states.

OK, Obama: it seems he is set on doing as much as he can to make a name for himself before leaving office (well he needs to do something, so far the negative side is far away in credit). Yesterday he pardoned 231 criminals"the most individual acts of clemency granted in a single day by any president in this nation’s history."... ..."the President has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals". Cooool, as Eric Cartman would [not] say, but that is more than the last ELEVEN presidents put together, some would call that obsessive.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016


So funny. The bad news is that the mainstream media just can't stop their bias leftie shit: apparently on some BBC news reports they said "Previous winners include Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Vladimir Putin."...of course they said the same when Obama won, right?....right?

Image: Hat-tip: Zero Hedge and Morris Cabrioli (Twitter: insidegame)


So funny. The bad news is that the mainstream media just can't stop their bias leftie shit: apparently on some BBC news reports they said "Previous winners include Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Vladimir Putin."...of course they said the same when Obama won, right?....right?

Image: Hat-tip: Zero Hedge and Morris Cabrioli (Twitter: insidegame)

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Owner operator obituary...

Earlier this week Michael 'Jim' Delligatti died. How many know that name? Well, what he did played a big part in my life. Jim and his family are the owner operators of various Pittsburgh-area McDonald's restaurants. However, this franchisee created the Big Mac, McDonald's 'signature' hamburger. He was 98 and came up with the idea for the Big Mac in 1965; introduced it to his own restaurants in 1967 (against McDonald's wishes) and went national in 1968 (they saw the light).

""It wasn’t like discovering the lightbulb," Delligatti told John F Love, the author of McDonald’s: Behind the Arches (1986). "The bulb was already there. All I did was screw it in the socket.""

Not only am I a McDonald's fan, the Golden Arches being a constant in my much traveled life since the early 70s and in the UK from 1974 (yep, since it started). I have tasted their meals in over 40 countries (intentionally testing, and also referring to the Economist's Big Mac Index [Patty-purchasing parity] since its inception). I am also a McDonald's-slagger slaughterer (I mow down the pretentious twits that claim they don't know what it is or have never had one or won't let their children near the place...details on request :-) ).

Owner operator obituary...

Earlier this week Michael 'Jim' Delligatti died. How many know that name? Well, what he did played a big part in my life. Jim and his family are the owner operators of various Pittsburgh-area McDonald's restaurants. However, this franchisee created the Big Mac, McDonald's 'signature' hamburger. He was 98 and came up with the idea for the Big Mac in 1965; introduced it to his own restaurants in 1967 (against McDonald's wishes) and went national in 1968 (they saw the light).
""It wasn’t like discovering the lightbulb," Delligatti told John F Love, the author of McDonald’s: Behind the Arches (1986). "The bulb was already there. All I did was screw it in the socket.""
Not only am I a McDonald's fan, the Golden Arches being a constant in my much traveled life since the early 70s and in the UK from 1974 (yep, since it started). I have tasted their meals in over 40 countries (intentionally testing, and also referring to the Economist's Big Mac Index [Patty-purchasing parity] since its inception). I am also a McDonald's-slagger slaughterer (I mow down the pretentious twits that claim they don't know what it is or have never had one or won't let their children near the place...details on request :-) ).