viernes, 26 de enero de 2018

Obfuscating obscurantism...

BBC = Ministry of Truth. Irony lost on BBC

"Is it time to rein in the BBC?" writes David Hardy on Comment Central. Firstly the most amazing thing is that David is a university lecturer by profession! Clearly he has avoided the brainwashing that effects a large majority of the UK population's educators. Apart from that the article is spot on concentrating on the BBC's coverage of Donald Trump. Their crazed obsession is patent and getting more blatant, they simply don't care anymore. The daily lies, spin and omission that is their news and political coverage has been going on for at least 25 years - much longer really but 25 years since I have been highlighting it to anyone who'll listen.

David's piece is excellent: "Relentless. Bitter. Juvenile. BBC coverage is also hysterical and quite frankly has now become a national embarrassment. This is not journalism. It’s political activism, pure and simple."

Just as Mark Mardell's Obama coverage was so painfully pathetically obsequious as to be almost unreadable, so Jon Sopel's and Anthony Zurcher's (BBC North America editor and North America Correspondent respectively) coverage of Donald Trump is equally unreadable due to their equally pathetic "coverage": they have NO interest in news or facts, they want unresearched tabloid gossip, hearsay and fake news, which they will then trumpet to the world.

James Cook, another of the BBC's North American 'correspondents' (ha!) takes the biscuit: "[Trump] has sought to undermine the free press, repeatedly dismissing inconvenient or critical journalism as 'fake news'." No James, he outs fake news as fake news. Can you name anything that The Donald has called fake news that wasn't fake news? He has been right every time. I nominated BBC in the fake news awards, the list was endless and they break their Charter EVERY day.

"For make no mistake, the BBC is determined to do all it can to undermine the Trump presidency in just the same way it is attempting to sabotage the Brexit vote. While a toothless political class looks limply on, the national broadcaster grows ever more audacious, emboldened by lack of regulation and timorous politicians the BBC is an organisation now out of control."

The BBC will never disappear completely but it must be broken up. Broadcasting and Production must be completely separated. Most of their TV channels and radio stations can go. It needs root and branch reform of the news and political coverage. Let them be the public service broadcaster they should be. Apparently the BBC's Mission is to "inform, educate and entertain"; by lying, by omitting, by focusing on their own agenda does not inform, educate nor entertain.
Their Values state that they are "independent, impartial and honest". Laughable. NO THEY ARE NOT! Financed by a tax collected on threat of gaol they are extremely partisan, glaringly biased and clearly dishonest. THERE IS NO DOUBT.

Update: As if on cue, Brexit Central with a David Keighley report on the blatant bias, undeniable. [LINK to PDF]

Obfuscating obscurantism...

BBC = Ministry of Truth. Irony lost on BBC
"Is it time to rein in the BBC?" writes David Hardy on Comment Central. Firstly the most amazing thing is that David is a university lecturer by profession! Clearly he has avoided the brainwashing that effects a large majority of the UK population's educators. Apart from that the article is spot on concentrating on the BBC's coverage of Donald Trump. Their crazed obsession is patent and getting more blatant, they simply don't care anymore. The daily lies, spin and omission that is their news and political coverage has been going on for at least 25 years - much longer really but 25 years since I have been highlighting it to anyone who'll listen.

David's piece is excellent: "Relentless. Bitter. Juvenile. BBC coverage is also hysterical and quite frankly has now become a national embarrassment. This is not journalism. It’s political activism, pure and simple." Just as Mark Mardell's Obama coverage was so painfully pathetically obsequious as to be almost unreadable, so Jon Sopel's and Anthony Zurcher's (BBC North America editor and North America Correspondent respectively) coverage of Donald Trump is equally unreadable due to their equally pathetic "coverage": they have NO interest in news or facts, they want unresearched tabloid gossip, hearsay and fake news, which they will then trumpet to the world. James Cook, another of the BBC's North American 'correspondents' (ha!) takes the biscuit: "[Trump] has sought to undermine the free press, repeatedly dismissing inconvenient or critical journalism as 'fake news'." No James, he outs fake news as fake news. Can you name anything that The Donald has called fake news that wasn't fake news? He has been right every time. I nominated BBC in the fake news awards, the list was endless and they break their Charter EVERY day.
"For make no mistake, the BBC is determined to do all it can to undermine the Trump presidency in just the same way it is attempting to sabotage the Brexit vote. While a toothless political class looks limply on, the national broadcaster grows ever more audacious, emboldened by lack of regulation and timorous politicians the BBC is an organisation now out of control."
The BBC will never disappear completely but it must be broken up. Broadcasting and Production must be completely separated. Most of their TV channels and radio stations can go. It needs root and branch reform of the news and political coverage. Let them be the public service broadcaster they should be. Apparently the BBC's Mission is to "inform, educate and entertain"; by lying, by omitting, by focusing on their own agenda does not inform, educate nor entertain. Their Values state that they are "independent, impartial and honest". Laughable. NO THEY ARE NOT! Financed by a tax collected on threat of gaol they are extremely partisan, glaringly biased and clearly dishonest. THERE IS NO DOUBT.

Update: As if on cue, Brexit Central with a David Keighley report on the blatant bias, undeniable. [LINK to PDF]

lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

Our obluctation obligations...

Launch date 9th February 2018. The Union Jack Club, London, 21 January 2018

 "We need to invest in ourselves. We need to invest in the UK again."

Our obluctation obligations...

Launch date 9th February 2018. The Union Jack Club, London, 21 January 2018

 "We need to invest in ourselves. We need to invest in the UK again."

domingo, 21 de enero de 2018

Outdoor ordure...

I posted this a while ago and repeat this amazing quote: "Sanitation is more important than independence." Mahatma Ghandi

Details HERE You will find more statistics at Statista
Figures and source for the above info from World Bank HERE. All world regions are thankfully reducing the numbers but incredibly some individual countries are worse than in 2000 (the above and linked info is from 2015). At the risk of appearing flippant, you'll note where most of the 'shit-hole countries' are...even a darker dot on the western end of one of the Caribbean islands...[thinks]

It's a while until World Toilet Day (Nov 19th) but the World Toilet Organisation (oh yes) have their work cut out and need support.

Outdoor ordure...

I posted this a while ago and repeat this amazing quote: "Sanitation is more important than independence." Mahatma Ghandi

Details HERE You will find more statistics at StatistaFigures and source for the above info from World Bank HERE. All world regions are thankfully reducing the numbers but incredibly some individual countries are worse than in 2000 (the above and linked info is from 2015). At the risk of appearing flippant, you'll note where most of the 'shit-hole countries' are...even a darker dot on the western end of one of the Caribbean islands...[thinks]

It's a while until World Toilet Day (Nov 19th) but the World Toilet Organisation (oh yes) have their work cut out and need support.

sábado, 13 de enero de 2018

Outrage over ordure orifice...

Less than two weeks into 2018 and one week away from the first anniversary of the official start of The Great Shake-Up it looks like it's going to be a bumper ride. After the Wolff book 'outrage' fell flat (Fire and Fury was really fickle and furry, like mouldy dog-poo) for being complete bullshit, we move onto a new lefty outrage bandwagon: President Trump has said "shithole"... apparently. Cue lefty global meltdown. Shit, the guy is trying to help the daft lefty twats sort their Dreamer issue (to the disdain of some mega-supporters) and all they can produce is a tsunami of hate from every single lefty twat who obviously don't care if he said it or not ("Trump has denied making the remark (kind of), but it certainly fits right in with his history", I mean FFS). Some are even saying it's racist (face-palm); I have no doubt some will say it is misogynistic and homophobic too.

"'Why do we need more Haitians?' Trump said, according to people familiar with the meeting.", hmmmm, 'according to people familiar with the meeting', what the fuck does that mean? And even then, he's right, and it is a shithole even if Trump didn't say it was! And I bet the Clintons hope Haiti doesn't stay in the headlines too long.

The Left simple are going bat-shit crazy over Trump, they simply cannot handle it and they never have; they are becoming a laughing stock. Apparently he has upset everyone: the 'World' is infuriated but if billionaire scion and CCN anchor Anderson Cooper, comedian (well, you know, the non funny lefty dick type of "comedian" [of which the UK is also now full]) Seth Meyers, crime family member Chelsea Clinton, and racist race-bait hussler Rev. Al Sharpton are pissed off then hopefully The Donald will keep it up. I can forgive locals for posting pretty pictures of beautiful scenery in these 'shithole' countries but that's a poor effort at deflection. Kudos to Leceister lefty luvvie Gary Lineker though, at least his comment was funny, although it's ironic coming from a complete arsehole who famously and publicly shat himself.

Outrage over ordure orifice...

Less than two weeks into 2018 and one week away from the first anniversary of the official start of The Great Shake-Up it looks like it's going to be a bumper ride. After the Wolff book 'outrage' fell flat (Fire and Fury was really fickle and furry, like mouldy dog-poo) for being complete bullshit, we move onto a new lefty outrage bandwagon: President Trump has said "shithole"... apparently. Cue lefty global meltdown. Shit, the guy is trying to help the daft lefty twats sort their Dreamer issue (to the disdain of some mega-supporters) and all they can produce is a tsunami of hate from every single lefty twat who obviously don't care if he said it or not ("Trump has denied making the remark (kind of), but it certainly fits right in with his history", I mean FFS). Some are even saying it's racist (face-palm); I have no doubt some will say it is misogynistic and homophobic too.

"'Why do we need more Haitians?' Trump said, according to people familiar with the meeting.", hmmmm, 'according to people familiar with the meeting', what the fuck does that mean? And even then, he's right, and it is a shithole even if Trump didn't say it was! And I bet the Clintons hope Haiti doesn't stay in the headlines too long.

The Left simple are going bat-shit crazy over Trump, they simply cannot handle it and they never have; they are becoming a laughing stock. Apparently he has upset everyone: the 'World' is infuriated but if billionaire scion and CCN anchor Anderson Cooper, comedian (well, you know, the non funny lefty dick type of "comedian" [of which the UK is also now full]) Seth Meyers, crime family member Chelsea Clinton, and racist race-bait hussler Rev. Al Sharpton are pissed off then hopefully The Donald will keep it up. I can forgive locals for posting pretty pictures of beautiful scenery in these 'shithole' countries but that's a poor effort at deflection. Kudos to Leceister lefty luvvie Gary Lineker though, at least his comment was funny, although it's ironic coming from a complete arsehole who famously and publicly shat himself.

miércoles, 3 de enero de 2018

On oikophobia...

Happy New Year! I have mentioned oikology before but only in terms of The Donald's housekeeping; I also had a copy of Roger Scruton's "England And The Need For Nations" [Civitas PDF] when I was looking up 'oikophobia (also PDF)' a few years back so in no way has he "coined" this phrase in his new book, as The Conservative Woman* blog states: he coined it years, nay decades ago.

* That said, the rest of the blog "We’re coming after you, oikophobes!" [Link] is really good and worth a read:

"[Scruton] uses it to describe the attitude of a person who repudiates home – that is, people’s need for home and for their inherited way of life. It denotes contempt or disdain for the common man and our national culture. It is to be found in the universities and the channels of elite communication ‘and has been a force in politics out of all proportion to its place in the ordinary citizen’s heart’. 

It is this attitude which leads elites to designate natural concerns and life experiences as xenophobic or racist.

The ever sinister Heseltine gets a mention and so too Adonis "Oikophobe-of-the-week"! hehehe

If indeed you need convincing about the book, the review on Amazon is enough (for me at least!): "While everyone else panics and reacts, Scruton thinks. And produces answers." Douglas Murray.

Some key phrases are repeated (from the aforementioned 'England And The Need For Nations' and in speeches: e.g. in Belgium almost 12 years ago [yes, a perusal would also be well worth your time]: "Roger Scruton on Immigration, Multiculturalism and the Need to Defend the Nation State") but important nonetheless: "Oikophobia is a stage through which the adolescent mind all but inevitably passes. But it is also a stage in which we can become arrested." The lefty luvvies and IYIs that is.

Related: from the Phobia List: Oikophobia - Fear of home surroundings, house (also Domatophobia, Eicophobia)

On oikophobia...

Happy New Year! I have mentioned oikology before but only in terms of The Donald's housekeeping; I also had a copy of Roger Scruton's "England And The Need For Nations" [Civitas PDF] when I was looking up 'oikophobia (also PDF)' a few years back so in no way has he "coined" this phrase in his new book, as The Conservative Woman* blog states: he coined it years, nay decades ago. * That said, the rest of the blog "We’re coming after you, oikophobes!" [Link] is really good and worth a read:
"[Scruton] uses it to describe the attitude of a person who repudiates home – that is, people’s need for home and for their inherited way of life. It denotes contempt or disdain for the common man and our national culture. It is to be found in the universities and the channels of elite communication ‘and has been a force in politics out of all proportion to its place in the ordinary citizen’s heart’. 
It is this attitude which leads elites to designate natural concerns and life experiences as xenophobic or racist."
The ever sinister Heseltine gets a mention and so too Adonis "Oikophobe-of-the-week"! hehehe

If indeed you need convincing about the book, the review on Amazon is enough (for me at least!): "While everyone else panics and reacts, Scruton thinks. And produces answers." Douglas Murray.

Some key phrases are repeated (from the aforementioned 'England And The Need For Nations' and in speeches: e.g. in Belgium almost 12 years ago [yes, a perusal would also be well worth your time]: "Roger Scruton on Immigration, Multiculturalism and the Need to Defend the Nation State") but important nonetheless: "Oikophobia is a stage through which the adolescent mind all but inevitably passes. But it is also a stage in which we can become arrested." The lefty luvvies and IYIs that is.

Related: from the Phobia List: Oikophobia - Fear of home surroundings, house (also Domatophobia, Eicophobia)