domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

Overwhelming oppression offence...

United Nations rapporteur Tendayi Achiume, in her end of mission statement, wants "to conclude with a celebration of the resilience of racial and ethnic minority communities, including those among them who, notwithstanding the overwhelming challenges and oppression they face, continue to fight for racial equality in the UK": I guess we're all bigots and Brexit and austerity have made it worse. "As a start, I recommend the full implementation of the Lammy Review recommendations"...ROFL, ah, the 'lamm-basted' painfully poor review that was rightly ripped a new arsehole recently? Raheem (on Twitter) has it spot on:

Regarding race and tolerance etc I doubt things have changed that much since THIS was published five years back, or the findings of over 85,000 people from 61 countries between 2014 and 2015 HERE. Do UN 'rapporteurs' actually go to really racist countries for their 'missions'? I think we know the answer to that.

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