"Theresa May stoking apocalyptic fears about no-deal Brexit to win over her rebels" is the DT [Link] headline on Lord Lilley, accusing May of trying to scare MPs into backing her EU Withdrawal Agreement with an 'apocalyptic' vision of what would happen in a no deal Brexit [this is pretty much what I meant by 'outrageous', my weak-posted-when-pissed blog-post {ahem} calling her and others liars at the end of last year].
The DT writes that Lord Lilley (Peter Lilley) had published a report for Global Britain and Labour Leave [HERE- PDF] "aimed at debunking 'myths' about leaving the EU on World Trade Organisation (WTO) terms", and why "WTO offers a safer haven than the Backstop".
It is fairly easy to get through and is well worth a read if you need any more information to debunk Remainers' weak and whining excuses; I have yet to hear a SINGLE reasonable - or even half-convincing - argument for staying!
Anyhoo... Lord Lilley is of course 100% correct, as he was when he outed Brown et al back in the day, pretty much fore-telling what the disastrous HMT-BoE-FSA would lead to.
"With the removal of banking control to the Financial Services Authority...it is difficult to see how and whether the Bank remains, as it surely must, responsible for ensuring the liquidity of the banking system and preventing systemic collapse."......as was demonstrated all too clearly both here and in the USA.
"...that the Government may, almost casually, have bitten off more than they can chew. The process of setting up the FSA may cause regulators to take their eye off the ball, while spivs and crooks have a field day."
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