viernes, 22 de marzo de 2019

Outing Oxbridge obreption...

How exciting that the petition calling on the government to revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU* is now over 3.36 million (yawn). It says "The government repeatedly claims exiting the EU is 'the will of the people'..."; yes we had referendum in 2016, no doubt you've forgotten.

Back then, in similar mode, there was Online omni-incompetence: a meaningless petition was started, and back then, like now, it was riddled with foreign and false signatures. Indeed, like then, the snowflakes were mobilised: "...if you go to the petition map you can see where most signatures are coming from: London, Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton...yes, you get the idea: [edit 1620 hrs] a student/millennial/snowflake brigade are on a mission...".

Raedwald puts this weeks petition in context: People v. Parliament - the chasm widens: "Even if it reached 17.4m it would still be meaningless; it is open to fraud, abuse, hacking and manipulation. The map is instructive. The greatest proportion of clicks are from Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton and Edinburgh."

Currently Edinburgh,  Cambridge and Brighton are edging 15% of the voter population of that constituency signing; Bristol West, the highest as far as I can make out from the distribution map, is on 16.5%! In London it is Islington, Holborn, Hornsey and Hackney leading the way....something rings a bell there: Corbyn, Abbott, Starmer...ah, yes, that's what it is...

* When you consider that no-one has actually given good reasons for staying in and when one looks at the dire current (predicted) state of the EU - even if you only see it through the blatantly and increasingly biased goggles of most of the MSM and especially the BBC -  and the burning inferno visible on the near-future horizon, the fact that these - for the most part lefty liberal blinkered fools - Remoaners STILL want to stay a part of it is simply unexplainable.


Update 23rd March: the similarities with 2016 are complete: MSM news, days after it is common knowledge, still reporting 'over 4 million signatures' with no clarifying statement or mention that numbers may not all be genuine...not surprised.

Update 2: just reading Brendan O'Neill again, simply outstanding

"Who are these signatories? Where does their sense of entitlement come from? Hard as I try, I cannot get my head around the colossal sense of entitlement it must require to agitate for the overturning of a democratic vote simply because one doesn’t like the outcome. Where does such arrogance come from? What is its source? Celebs and comedians and luvvies have been at the forefront of promoting the petition. I bet many of these people went to the cinema to watch Suffragette in 2015 and Peterloo last year. They may even have shed a tear over these movies about women’s struggle for the right to vote and the bloody massacre in St Peter’s Field of working-class people who wanted the right to vote. And yet here they are openly demanding the obliteration of the votes of millions of women and working-class people. Where does such cognitive dissonance come from? Is it a function of a blinkering sense of entitlement? These are disturbing questions; no doubt the answers are
even more so... ... Everyone who has signed this petition should be ashamed of themselves.

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