viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019

October's over II...

The original October's over was long ago in the 'innocent' days of a young Owsblog (currently in its 15th year). Now it is nearly all mostly primarily about not being out of the fucking EU yet. Boris isn't dead, in a ditch or otherwise, as he said he would be. Conservative Party hubris is threatening Brexit and it is plain for all to see they do not want to leave the EU. There is at least one legal mechanism with which we could have easily left, now we'll wait to see who the government is.  The Brexit Party won't form the next government [maybe part of it?] but they could certainly be well represented in the next Parliament; I hope so. Their campaign launch had a number of interesting aspects; sounds like real change...

It is "Time to Clear the BREXIT Blockage" as Get Britain Out so succinctly puts it.

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