sábado, 24 de octubre de 2020

Outing outbreak "opportunists"...

Please listen to this interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon. That link is to YouTube, also HERE on James Delingpole's Podbean. "The first social media pandemic".
"Dr Mike Yeadon has a degree in biochemistry and toxicology, a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology, has spent over 30 years leading new medicines research in the pharmaceuticals industry, and founded his own biotech company which he sold to the world’s biggest drug company Novartis in 2017. He talks to James about his devastating paper What SAGE has Got Wrong (https://lockdownsceptics.org/what-sage-got-wrong/) in which he says that the Covid pandemic is over, that there will be no Second Wave, that we have already achieved herd immunity and that Sir Patrick Vallance, Britain’s Chief Scientific Adviser, is a liar and that the vaccine is more or less a waste of time. He doesn’t pull his punches"

COVID heavy (obviously!), some research, some science, some immunology, some health...ALL searchable sourceable and all outing the lying sods we having maintaining the casedemic. He does a wonderful and easy to understand job of exposing the absolute scam that has been thrust upon us. 

There is NO doubt about this. We are being lied to. Crimes have been commited.

Image by Steve Bright (here on Twitter)

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