martes, 22 de marzo de 2022

Opus on opaque Ostpolitik...

Not looking good. John [The Slog] in outstanding form on 'Germany and the Russian Debt Bomb'. THIS is Part 2

The 'appetiser': "you probably failed to notice this, but Russia paid its due debt installment in full last Friday. You probably didn’t see that, because the MSM blanked it." [sic]

The entrée: "In a nutshell, driving Russia into default risks a nuclear chain reaction that is impossible to predict….and anyone telling you otherwise (eg the Pentagon) is lying." 

The conclusion: "...there is one depressing certainty in 21st century life: our economic system, US democracy, EU fiscal stability, media investigation, bureaucratic rules, banking credibility, corporate governance, NATO information, health science, civil policing, military intelligence and financial sectors are all irreparably compromised by greed, mendacity and unachievable globalist megalomania." 

I am presuming too that you have all noticed that China, India (and very early on Pakistan, "so much excitement") and now the Emirates are all overtly not-quite-cosying-up to Russia but certainly not turning them away and making gains while the EU and the UK are failing and going backwards at every level, even propaganda. 

And off topic but really very much on topic, you know what hasn't gone away:
"The choice is ours. We can either go back to sleep and follow the shiny baubles of the latest breaking news on the MSM news feeds or we can continue to focus on the creation of the biosecurity state..."

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