sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Overdosing obnubilation...

[edited after 5 p.m. (two links added)] This is the daily deaths from COVID as per Worldometers. More data HERE from Covidgraph. All based on official world statistics. About 2.5 million deaths in the first 12 months and pushing 6.5 million now, two and a half years down the road. 

Of course we KNOW that in 2020 many if not MOST of the 'COVID' deaths were no such thing. That the jabs were not even necessary. Plus more people are dying now and we even managed in the UK to knock 10 years off the average age of death in the vaccine rollout, non discriminatory death shot

This makes it even more odd that earlier this year the Lancet published 'Global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination [previous link or PDF] trying to claim that "COVID-19 vaccination has substantially altered the course of the pandemic, saving tens of millions of lives globally.". 

It seems odd because all the data would seem to suggest the exact opposite. Deaths during 'the vaccination period' seem double to when the worst strain of SARS CoV 2 was having its way; deaths dropped off immediately when the boosters were discovered to do nothing. [edit: i.e. when the sheeple decided not to get the boosters].

Not so odd when you realise it is just an estimation and mathematical model (noooo!) and funded by the whole list of interested parties to making the covid jabs look good.

That 'Interpretation' is unbelievable: the inadequate access to Covid jabs i.e. they didn't get them,  probably saved the lives millions of people in those low-income countries. The sinister final sentence the obvious goal of those that funded this 'paper'. They have done more to grow worldwide vaccine hesitancy in the last 30 months than in the previous 60 years or more. 

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2022

Odd overt overestimation offered ocracy overreach...

Title edited 18/10/22. Mainly a grammatical correction. "COVID-19 Much Less Deadly Than Previously Thought, Major Study Finds"...no? Say it ain't so...The Daily Sceptic's Will Jones points to THIS study - in the non-elderly (u70) - which was led by Dr. John Ioannidis [BIO]. John was the guy that said this would be like a flu epidemic and that perhaps we should rein in a bit of the hysteria (I paraphrase of course) ...he said this in Feb/March 2020 [LINKA fiasco in the making?] .

Some of us listened, some of us thought the Diamond Princess or USS Roosevelt situations would have made good (though not perfect) indications of what to expect: back then, before the first UK lockdown "Projecting the Diamond Princess mortality rate onto the age structure of the U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%.". 

Turns out it wasn't even near that for the under 50s: "A further breakdown by age group found that the average IFR was 0.0003% at 0-19 years, 0.003% at 20-29 years, 0.011% at 30-39 years, 0.035% at 40-49 years, 0.129% at 50-59 years, and 0.501% at 60-69 years.

That said, the average (mean) age of death - certainly in the UK - for COVID-19 has been lower than that of flu and pneumonia throughout the pandemic...[UK ONS]. HOWEVER, 

"In summer 2021, the mean age of death fell to 73 years"!! 
hmmm...what had happening to the older cohorts in Q1 and 2 of that year? Let me guess...do you remember? I do, they were queuing up for an experimental jab that they had been lied to about. 

THIS October Opener (2020) would have been the far better course.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2022

Obama's overreaching oar...

Blogpost title referring to Obama (all posts) infamously (IMHO :-) ) sticking his overreaching oar into purely UK matters...now Creepy Joe has done the same (in what many call Obama's third term):

Friday: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says:
"And, you know, we’ve been very clear — like, we won’t comment on the UK government’s — their dem- — their own domestic policies or internal decision-making... [...] 
"So, not something that we’re going to comment on.

But anything specifically that’s related to their domestic policies or domestic decisions, we’re just not going to comment on that.

Saturday: cue Sleepy/Creepy Joe/Brandon doing exactly what she said they wouldn't do: commenting on domestic policies (reported today in UK).

You may claim it's international because err...because the mini-budget caused worldwide ructions...really? Of course part of it could be THIS,** [OECD tax database] doing what TPTB don't want you to do; that could explain the IMF's strange intervention and now Creepy Joe. "The Biden administration wants to raise the U.S. corporate tax rate to 28%, so it has proposed a global minimum of 21% – double the rate on the current GILTI tax." 

Of course none of it is anything to do with trillions in debt, derivative failures, failing banks, looming crash, years of quantative easing, lockdown lunacy etc...

**Source: 145cm.net/finance

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2022

Ongoing omnigatherum of our ocracy's obscurantism...

...from the Naked Emperor's Substack: the "anti-science" 'infinite list'...[LINK
"Almost three years ago science entered a new dark age."
Well worth a read; feel free to subscribe, just the 'Today's Must Reads' makes it worth it (varied subjects, not just COVID related).

"Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, seems to agree. He has been compiling a list of the examples of anti-science we have unfortunately become used to.

Here's the current tail-end of the list:

39. Ignoring immunity after covid recovery is anti-science; 
40. Vaccine mandates have demolished public trust and are anti-science; 
41. Pausing childhood vaccination programs and tuberculosis treatment in poor countries because of fear of covid led to many unnecessary deaths and is anti-science; 
42. Ignoring legitimate vaccine injury is anti-science; 
43. Declaring oneself to be The Science itself is anti-science;

Update 19:19 p.m
.: Igor now tells us of more unbelievable anti-science: "If someone asked me three years ago, whether it is possible that the FDA would approve a children’s vaccine with ZERO testing on children, I would of course laugh the question off as ludicrous. Now it is reality. Even worse, schools and camps may start requiring it." [FDA News Release] [Pfizer Press release]. 

As per Igor's Substack, the grand total for adult bivalent booster testing of using 8 (eight) mice wasn't even reached [update update!: "uncomfortably scant data", "critical lack of information", "we {Pfizer} are not going to be transparent to the American public"...just some of the comments from Dr. Paul Offit, one of the not-consulted a voting members of the FDA panel that approves vaccines talking about the new Covid boosters!]

Adults: eight mice, no advisors consulted
Children: no mice, no testing, no advisors consulted...FFS!

Not unbelievable, just plain old sinister and evil.