martes, 21 de febrero de 2023

Obsigning overflowing obsequies...

"Excess mortality in the EU in December 2022 soared to +19% of the average number of deaths for the same period in 2016-2019...". Seen before but The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter just reminded me.

The missing gaps will be reported soon: "Data for Sweden and Italy will be published at the end of February and mid-March, respectively", from Eurostat's own Statistics Explained page

For context "the excess mortality rate was +30% in December 2020 and +24% in December 2021"...but why are so many people still dying? 

It certainly can't be a coronavirus and with all the deaths from the panic that pushed us into the first lockdown [link added 21/02: hastening death, creating fear, getting the numbers to allow totalitarianism measures], plus the winter of 2020 you'd think - to put it very bluntly - the very weak, vulnerable and near-death would all have been taken, no? Yet all through the last two years we're still seeing scary numbers from everywhere: 

...same in the UK (even Owen gets it but not for all the right reasons!)

...same in Australia ("In 2022, there were 144,650 deaths that occurred by 30 September and were registered by 30 November, which is 19,986 (16.0%) more than the historical average"

...same in New Zealand ("New Zealand has recorded the largest increase in the number of registered deaths since the 1918 influenza pandemic, new data from Stats NZ shows"...wondered why Jacinda legged it?). 

How is it possible that this isn't the biggest media story ever? We had daily updates when they wanted you scared; now crickets and tumbleweed: they're scared you'll find out.

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2023

Oriental's ocean obligation...

Visualized: Ocean Plastic Waste Pollution By Country [LINK: Visual Capitalist

"Millions of metric tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year. While half of this plastic waste is recycled, incinerated, or discarded into landfills, a significant portion of what remains eventually ends up in our oceans.

Where does all of this plastic come from? 

In this graphic, Louis Lugas Wicaksono used data from a research paper by Lourens J.J. Meijer and team to highlight the top 10 countries emitting plastic pollutants in the waters surrounding them." [Link to research

Spoiler: Brazil is the only country not in Asia to make it to this top 10 list.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2023

'Octagonal object': overt obfuscation...

"U.S. military brings down flying object over Lake Huron near Canadian border"...[Reuters]

WTF is going on. Nothing then four separate 'UFO's in a week? One not so unidentified was a Chinese balloon; what will this 'octagonal object' be? It doesn't matter: it is just to distract you; take your pick: Ukraine farce, Epstein list, Biden crimes, COVID jab murders, Jan 6th truth...[adding from Clown Basket: the major chemical spill/train derailment in Ohio and US navy bombing Nordstream I...] so many things to not report on... 

...oooh, look over there, a squirrel!

Update: UK version of things not to report on: Ukraine farce, Epstein list, net Zero energy hikes, hostile rape-intent fighting-age-only flow of immigration, [soon to become] gang-rape 'groomers', drag/trans/gender mental health issues, COVID jab murders, Sunak digital ID ties/oncoming CBDC, Brexit bretrayal...