jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Overtly odd overreaction overview...

Three years ago today. Looking back to my first post after having returned from abroad (got back on 1st day of the first lockdown). [LINK now added

I had already told colleagues, customers and friends, loudly and repeatedly, that BJ and the UK would never lock down because it was so obviously stupid and would have a terrible effect on everything (economy, health etc). I also said that lockdowns would kill - certainly in less well-off countries - far more than this virus (which we already knew wasn't that deadly, yes, in March 2020 we knew that).

Cartoon by JOSH [donate link]

Notice the link and comment at the bottom:
BOOM "Inaccurate Virus Models Are Panicking Officials Into Ill-Advised Lockdowns"...we sort of suspected the same thing here in the UK. Could almost be Climate Change on steroids!

That was based on this article and interview: "A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data", By John P.A. Ioannidis March 17, 2020. The Diamond Princess told us everything. 

With much more data now we know that in the UK (and NY as a prime example in the USA) the actions taken caused a large percentage of the 'COVID' deaths; the majority of care-home deaths. 

Of course the figures are skewed (and impossible now to ever get a true number). They lied, thousands died.

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2023

Olid oligarchic oneirodynia...

"America's deadliest war - and it has not ended yet, by a long shot." Ethical Skeptic on Twitter.

Read the whole thread, then read the other threads. The wall is slowly crumbling but the speed is unbelievably slow. Someone has to pay for this shit. 

[Update 23/03/23: follow up TES thread HERE]

sábado, 4 de marzo de 2023

Oncoming oppression III...

...or is it IV, or XV?! *

Image credit Imperial War Museums [LINK]
Ministerio de Propaganda

If you tolerate this, Then your children will be next [MSP Lyrics] ...but it's already too late, your children - or at the latest their children - will be dead or slaves. Not about WWIII the West is trying to start, not about Madrid (Spanish Civil War) but certainly involving multiple equivalents of the Ministerio de Propaganda

What am I on about? Just yesterday YouGov (yeah yeah, know who they are and what they are...and polls suck, but hey-ho) released a poll; it coincides with the highly suspicious controlled release of Government Tweets during the pandemic, nudging us towards blaming just a few crass 'incompetents' for two years of of totalitarian oppression and gross negligence that caused multiple thousands of deaths (probably millions worldwide, and certainly more than any virus).

The poll: "In hindsight, thinking about the government's handling of the Covid‑19 outbreak, do you think their approach was generally...?"

Now, one would think, especially now with all the information that is openly being reported [facts that many - mostly unjabbed - had, by complete coincidence, or magic, or something, knew years ago] would mean that anybody even remotely lucid would say, with absolutely no doubt whatsoever, that the government's handling was absolutely and utterly bat-shit (see what I did there?) crazy; high-handed jack-booted face-punchingly fucked up crazy... 

...you'd be wrong. Thirty seven percent (37%!!!) of all adults thought the government wasn't strict enough. 

There are several break-downs of the full numbers: gender, age, region, politics and social grade.  For the most part it is similarly split: in 'Politics' no surprise the lefty liberal fuckwits wanted harder lockdown, as did Remainers. In gender, males were slightly higher than females in 'Too strict', and fewer males were 'Don't knows'; similar to females in the lower social grade: they too were higher 'Too strict' and fewer 'Don't knows'. 

BUT, the major tell, the point of this post, and the highest number throughout the poll: in the Age section (see table below): over half (51%) of 18-24 year olds thought the government's approach was 'Not strict enough'. We're fucked. They are doomed.


* Previous posts: Oncoming oppression, Oncoming oppression II although - rather embarrassingly - I note I used those same two titles before: the first in 2008 and 2009, and the second in 2011: several pages of Oppression posts HERE, no surprise that many are in last last three years.