Just as an afterthought to the post below on ornithogalum you may have presumed the word had something to do with birds i.e. ornithology etc. , and rightly so, ornitho/ ornith is from the Greek ornis, ornith - birds...hmmmm...birds... well, I expect you may be interested to know that an anagram of genus ornithogalum is:'on until huge orgasm'!!S.O.
(Superfluous happy smiley...and what a reason to be happy!)
On the subject of body art I refer you here
Pretty as a picture!
Nice pic Span, orgasmic, also like the throbbing O. By the way I have cut my hair, very short, grade 1. Haven't seen you on bbc messageboard lately? Keep it throbbing..
ResponderEliminarHi Ian...no, I've been trying to wean myself off the board for a bit...the problem is I dive in and forget all else and tended to have several converstaions going on several threads going at once...work was forgotten..but...hey...i'll be back!
ResponderEliminar..sorry...bit corny!
P.S...Ian, number 1..love it!...no.2 is acceptable too but hey...less is best!
ResponderEliminarGavin...utter filth... where's the rest!!!!...PLease!