sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2005

Ows's outré...

Free music video codes by PCPlanets.com

Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
¡OJO! Important note: I’ve changed the code and the source site as the other one doesn’t work any more but there are still pop-up ads every time you change page.
Press play, fantastic...my boys are into Guns N' Roses now (they've converted me!...I was never a fan 'back in the day'...could have postedParadise City, Welcome to the Jungle or Civil War...equally good), which explains my choice but number 1 son is really retro and is now Dave Bowie (Ziggy Stardust period) crazy...good lad!
Funny how today's teenagers are with _music - it seems to me - they just aren't into the boom di ti boom house, dance, techno stuff. Anyway, I was blog hopping and found a blog with an inset Bon Jovi video so, intrigued, I followed the link to the advertised site (one of several similar sites I now realise!) that has literally thousands of tracks and hundreds of bands...pop, rock, dance, trance, country, rapcrap and presumably every other genre...enjoy!
S.O...sadly older? but with _music...

17 comentarios:

  1. The youngsters are aren't into dance music? What's all that about then? Mind you, ever since my raving days ended, I hdon't really listen to it either.

    Like all the things you added to your blog. You've been working hard on it, I see.

  2. Yes...like your clock..welldone...their site is easy to read and easy to follow instructions, which is what I like! Some of these things could be in Chinese for all I understand...have to ask Gavin for when I can't understand!!

    I hope you noticed my new archive scroll down box thingumy...

  3. Yes I did. Very impressive.

  4. I have your next 'O' Span.....Oldagerockersareus.

    Nothing worse than old aged pensioners such as yourself, 'rocking'. Quite dsigusting and it should be banned!

  5. Mags 'o mags...that's only the half of it...what do I say to these young whippersnappers like Finn and Six when the only music I've had in the car (for at least a decade!!!) is dance music...let me be your fantasy...1994 (ish!)or 'born slippy' Underworld still one of my all time top ten...1996!!!!!!

  6. Now there's an offer I should consider! I think my best bopping was c.1990 to 1994. I was still night clubbing it when eight months pregnant that year. However I wouldn't say I was over fond of the music then, I just happened to be having a bloody good time.

    If you really want to be my fantasy I suggest a little further back to the late 70's when there was a wonderful fusion in the charts from Katie Bush to Abba to ELO to Chic to Donna Summer to The Sugar Hill Gang to Amii Stewart to her brother Rod to The Police to the Boomtown Rats to Dave Edmonds (and his brother Noel was a disc jockey on national radio ! don't you know) to Supertramp and Sparks and so on. Back then, I was too young to be legal, innocent and fresh and a dead ringer for Katie Bush.

    So Span, can you do Bob mixed with Sting mixed with Jeff Lynn? If you can I'll leave you my phone number!


  7. Oh I say!...lucky I have an adult content on my description for this blog!...I can do what you like Mags!...wasn't that a great period though...however although I liked everything I was also into the Clash, Squeeze, and the Jam, Siouxsie etc Dexy's (Northern Soul before they turned into gypsies with violins!) etc BUT!!! also into Genesis (saw them at Knebworth 1978 along with many others) Yes, Stones etc!

  8. Span, my 19 year old now has more Led Zep and Pink Floyd than me. He also plays drums in a a couple of rock bands and one of them does a brilliant Freebird.

    I think its great that they are in to raw rock music. However this isn't the end of teeny bopper music as sadly it is always on in the gym I use,

  9. I don't think you're right about kids not being into dance. The music on this PC is categorised as follows:

    Dance & Club
    Drum & Bass
    Mum's Chunes
    Northern Soul
    RnB n HipHop
    Rock n Random
    Chart n Cheese

    Doesn't mean much other than that it was all complied by the evil daughter - the categories overlap naturally - but there are thousands on here.

    Oh and Freebird is Lynyrd Skynyrd!

  10. Gavin, and TGS (Simon, WELCOME!)...Freebird is another of those great tracks that all do's seem to have when the 'doers' are of a certain age!

    Pink Floyd have got massive again...must have been that Live aid part 2 thingy!

  11. Span, agreed. The late 70's was on reflection an incredible period when the charts were populated by an extraordinary range of varying tastes and genres. I don't think they always co-existed peacefully but musical expression was there for anyone and could be found in many ways. I think having 'grown up' during this period is responsible for my own wide ranging tastes.

  12. I can't argue with that...applies to me too.

    WOW!!!...word verification...topmag!!!! I kid you not!!!!!


  13. "Just let the music play.."

    Thanks for visitng my blog..

    Wish you a wonderful day ahead..


  14. Thanks peety, like I said I have alot to learn: although I've got loads of add-ons to my blog the actual appearance and template are very basic.

    "Music is my first love, and it will be my last, music of the future and music of the past"...etc

    best wishes

  15. I still like The Prodigy Experience. I just put 'Out of Space' on my mobile as a ring tone. I used to go raving from '93-'98. You know, raves like Desire, and World Dance. Drum and Bass was my favourite style of dance music.

    After that, I've really don't listen to it anymore, but whenever I hear a tuneon the radio it's good to remember the great times I had - if I can remember, that is, due to too many speckled doves, which were my favourite.;-)

  16. Thanks for stopping in and leaving such kind words for me on my blog. sorry I would have emailed you back directly but I couldn't find your e-address again. Anyway, I want to wish you the best of luck over this xmas and in the future. happy holidays.

  17. Mrs. ocker..I have replied via hotmail...best wishes etc

    Finn...mid 90's were the best for me...still great tunes to listen to..now it's still great but of cours ewithout the 'nostalgia'!!!!but loads of goodies later too: Ntrance, Geuriella, Underworld, Rui de Silva, Strike, Soul central etc.oooooooooooooooooooooooooyeah!
