jueves, 12 de enero de 2006

Oink Oink Offal...

I was going to post on OMG (or GMO for you English folk)...but this appeared on my Reuters tickertape and just made me green with...envy?...No....Nausea?...Yes.

Transgenic, fluorescent, green pig...you think I'm joking right?
From the
article: "By injecting fluorescent green protein into embryonic pigs, a research team at the island's leading National Taiwan University managed to breed three male transgenic pigs, said professor Wu Shinn-Chih of the university's Institute and Department of Animal Science and Technology.

¡Se trata de cerdos transgénicos, verdes, flourescentes! A continuación el artículo en Español... (e aqui em Portugues para o aristobaldo!)

"There are partially fluorescent green pigs elsewhere, but ours are the only ones in the world that are green from inside out. Even their hearts and internal organs are green," Wu said on Thursday....nice one Wu!


(posted image not connected with article)

23 comentarios:

  1. Without actually reading the article...is there a particular reason why anyone might require a green pig...?

    Pink porkers or the Gloucester old spot kind work for me. Even a bristly old brown boar...but green?

    What do they want them to do? Photosynthesise?

  2. Gross! I can't quite see the attraction of green black pudding.

  3. You've been messing with your little twiddly bits again Span haven't you?

    In attempting articifial enlargement you've shoved it all over to one side. Now you've got no margin!

  4. Exactly Gavin...and now it all fits perfectly and looks tidier and longer posts aren't about 3 foot long! What do you think all the added girth hoohah was the other day?...and Mag's hippo!...I'm still smarting over that one...sniff...;-)

  5. Span, what is it that you do for a living exactly?

  6. Have you ever seen Pinky and the Brain Six? World domination through animal feed!

  7. Six, I am actually employed in the Feed industry...that's 'Feed' not 'Food' but of course a mantra is that all feed becomes food so it has to be as safe!...animal nutrition, to cut a long story short...and no, that doesn't mean I sell hay!...;-)

  8. I don't understand too much the article, Today I'm a little lost
    ^^---I don't sleep for 2 days...
    I'm very tired...Then..I write you in spanish.

    Bueno, me cuesta hilar las ideas, como comprenderás, por lo cual me resulta aún más dificil redactarlas en inglés, un idioma que no domino.

    Gracias por decir que tengo talento para escribir, aunque pienso que estás un tanto equivocado, jojojojo.

    El loveparade fue el 7 de enero, lo mejor, asistieron unas 200.000 personas y creo que fue el dj sasha, fotos tengo por ahi, subire una para que veas como fue

    Espero que estés muy bien, Span, gracias por tus consejos
    Un beso


    DAniela ^^

  9. He puesto un vínculo al artículo en Español ¡Es increible!

  10. pa percebes português? Tao houve-me vai-te tratar meu

  11. This is....different!

    This is going to revolutionise the Buttie!

    K x

  12. aristobaldi a boa vinda e pesaroso, nenhum eu não sei muito portuguese mas eu viajo a Brasil muito assim talvez que eu devo aprender


  13. Hi Katey!

    Re butties..will be a bit of a clash with the ketchup, won't it?!

    Sorry for conversation we've been having on your blog!...:-)

  14. Tás-me agradecendo o quê?
    E não é aristobaldi its aristobaldo

  15. hi, span...
    i read your post in my blog... thank you for the advice.
    Now i can avoid the spam!

    Look after yourself.
    i hope that you are fine.

    Thank you [again]!

    [Sorry for the english... i know that my english is bad]

    * Saludos, Daniela... [hasta por aqui te encuentro xD]

  16. Aristobaldo, eu sou pesaroso para escrever seu nome errada. Eu agradecia-o visitando meu blog, mim faço isso a todos, calma!

    Calm down lad!

  17. Woo yay! Span re-instigates the margin!

  18. ????...must be your screen Gav; that would explain your comment the other day: it's been like this since my girth thread.

  19. No! Yesterday you had no margin. All jammed up to the left!

    I know you like to cram the in - less chance of the totty getting away - your protestations are useless!

    You have dikkered with your thingy again!

  20. My pig losing days are over at last! I always hoped science would come up with the answer.

  21. Perdona-me meu comportamiento mas o que quer dizer "pesaroso"?

  22. aristobaldo...Pesaroso? talvez é uma palavra que você não sabe...ou talvez é uma palavra que não se usam em Portugal...

    creo que es 'sorry' en ingles o 'lo siento' en español...
