sábado, 8 de abril de 2006

Oslo's official output...

Shit happens...The future's bright; the future...smells? Recycling the do-dos, the shit not hitting the fan but powering it instead!

From Reuters: "In an extreme energy project tapping heat from raw sewage, Oslo's citizens are helping to warm their homes and offices simply by flushing the toilet."

"We believe this is the biggest heating system in the world using raw sewage,"...oh, I don't know: I can think of a few other candidates - except for the heating system bit!

"In Oslo, a problem is that the flow in the sewers is irregular -- Monday mornings between 4-6 a.m. are especially dry because people go to bed early on Sunday. But at weekends, the flow is good."...Irregular? Hehehe...

"At the opening ceremony for the plant, Oslo mayor Per Ditlev-Simonsen was given a new toilet seat for his office. "It will be an inspiration," he said....translated he means that with all the shit he has to put up there could be a power surge.


3 comentarios:

  1. Oil prices, it always seems to crop up, as the reason we don't get on and invest in some other form of energy. Necesity is the mother of invention and all that but the thought of this one is a bit too yuck.

  2. Sarnia...hellloooo...hope you're well and that your easter was good too.

    Lucy...Oslo poo is a bit yuck....shudder!...:-)
