Originally Irish Protestants had commemorated the Battle of Aughrim on the 12 July - the battle was the bloodiest ever fought on Irish soil with more than 7,000 people killed; it meant the effective end of Jacobitism in Ireland. At Aughrim, the year after the Battle of the Boyne, nearly all of the old native Irish Catholic and Old English aristocracies were wiped out; what was actually celebrated on the Twelfth was not William's "victory over popery at the Battle of the Boyne" but the effective end of the elite of the native Irish at Aughrim; an elite backed by a parliament, largely Catholic and quickly summoned by James II 1689, that had proceeded to introduce repeals of legislation under which Protestant settlers had acquired land – James was supported with arms and men from Louis XIV of France who was using James and Ireland as a way to get at William (of Orange)…all very confusing.
After the Orange Order was founded in 1795 amid - and because of - sectarian violence in Armagh, the focus of parades on July 12th switched to the battle of the Boyne.
All good historical stuff and the aftermath of the Battles had repercussions far beyond The British Isles: “the papal alliance, which many Protestants prefer to gloss over, must also be seen in the context of the times, in which dynastic ambition often outweighed religious allegiance or scruple” explains Derek Brown (The Guardian 12 July 2000…a few years ago but a good, clear article)
The flag above (obviously?) is the flag of the Orange Order, but it is the alternative version: the original was an all orange flag with a purple star which was the symbol of the Williamite forces.
Today’s Orange Order continue to push what could be called the ‘Christain Fundamentalist’ attitude: read the Qualifications of an Orangeman (link through flag) and tell me if it isn't spookily similar to what the Muslim Fundalmentalist terrorists say.
You know what they say, Span, the Irish remember everything, and learn nothing (apologies to all Irish readers)
ResponderEliminarAre we doing Bastille day tomorrow? Altogether now.
ResponderEliminarAllons enfants de la patrie....
Not a lot of o's tho...
Tous les gouvernements ont tendance à abuser des principes sur lesquels ils reposent.
P.S. Did you read it Gavin?
ResponderEliminarCurmy is so right. I've recalled this story on the 5Live boards before so apologies if you remember it. An English poet had finished a reading in Dublin and was walking along the main road when he heard footsteps behind him, he turned to be greeted by a fist in the face.
ResponderEliminar"What's that for?" he asked getting to his feet.
"Cromwell," was the reply.
All religion is fundamentalism in one form or another, if it wasn't it wouldn't exist. You have to support your team, doubt isn't an option.
Thank Darwin I'm atheist.
Read which, Span?
ResponderEliminarThis? "All the governments tend to misuse the principles on which they rest."
Me too Paul..although I was a Jesus freak for many years...I spoke of my epiphany at age 21 on Lucy's blog but she's deleted all the evidence.
ResponderEliminarGavin...I meant had you read MY POST...or at least the last sentence and the Qualifications to be an Orangeman (link via flag)or are you a closet bowler-wearing proddy?...;-)
Sorry to change the subject Span, but the Suffolk Police ,where I live, published a leaflet yesterday on advice to young people.One example was..
ResponderEliminar"When you go clubbing, wear sensible knickers" I'm still laughing !
...and one hell of a change curmy!...I suppose orange knickers may be sensible and get it back on track...
ResponderEliminarThat Police advice is just the sort of advice that will make the 'yuff' not listen to advice!
Also...some of the more loose lasses may feel that crotchless panties are the sensible thing to wear!
Sorry to lower the tone of your blog, Span !
ResponderEliminarNo! I didn't read the post, you god bothering tubbiness!
ResponderEliminarWhat are you like? Of COURSE I read it! I AGREE WITH YOU you great banana!
Proddy I was raised - CofE - but you are well aware I have no faith at all. I am the un-godly.
I think the less godly as a nation we become, the better. And quick.
You actually know what I think.
I think faith schools are iniquitous and divisive. Yes they may deliver the A level or Gcses or SATs but they do nothing to bring us rounded kids and strong cohesive communities.
I think the policy of multiculturism has failed the nation. Why? Because it celebrates difference and diversity.
To be a Nation, we must cleave together, with shared values, customs and heritage.
Span, you KNOW I think this. Did you just prod me with the proddy gibe to get me to spit it out again?
Curmy, in a million billion years you could NOT lower the tone of Span's blog.
ResponderEliminarYou are however correct.
Should a lady anticipate becoming prostrate - best knickers first, I'd say...but what do I know?
Surely mothers still give this advice to their daughters? Or was that just for medics' benefit when mothers hoped to marry their girls off?
That bit of advice (best knickers on in case you get run over/whatever) has always seemed really stupid to me.
ResponderEliminarSurely the last thing one would worry about (if run over/whatever) is what sodding knickers one is wearing? (Or in Span's case - none).
Not only does she diss camping, now she's dissing nakedness!
ResponderEliminarAnd...if I may be so bold...I THINK she dissing knickers!
ResponderEliminarI can tell you don't like being ignored in my garage...
Curmy I must agree with Gavin...have you read the orgasm posts ad various other pervy entries :-/
ResponderEliminarGavin..yes...that reply was exactly what I wanted, thank you! (I know you did it to please me...and I know you know, and I know you know I know and...
Sarnia...garage?...must dash again...anothe rairport, another journey...
Good oh! Happy to be of service Tubs!
ResponderEliminarWhere are you off to now then?
FYI I have been purchased as an investment by Sarnia and am currently being stored, correctly, in the controlled environment of her garage, where she is ignoring me until she can realise my potential...
Span, I've lead a very sheltered life (Laugh), and having read one of your orgasm posts, I was so shocked I had to reach for the smelling salts !
ResponderEliminarHappy travelling.
Heh heh!
ResponderEliminarMove out of the way of the cases of wine though please, Gavin. It's such a nuisance tripping over you all the time.
Am now in Bogota...guess what, I'm sitting naked in my room, not on purpose, it's just a coincidence again! (no I'm NOT joking)
ResponderEliminarTomorrow off to Medellin...a first so I'm looking forard to it and hoping not to get kidnapped.
How can anyone find themselves co-incidentally naked?
ResponderEliminar"I'm sorry officer I wasn't flashing at the convent, co-incidentally my trousers fell down!"
...because the last few times I've posted I have also been sat naked in a hotel room and I found myself, yet again, posting naked in a hotel room...maybe coincidence is not the right word. :-/
ResponderEliminar...anyway, the officer shouldn't have released that evidence until the trial :-)