...the bikini made its first proper introduction to the world of fashion design on July 5, 1946, as it is was worn and displayed at a Paris fashion show by French model Micheline Bernardini. Reaction to the bikini was immediate and explosive...so says The history of the bikini, and the history begins far before the official introduction of the bikini swimsuit in the summer of 1946...Brigitte Bardot made the wearing of less more acceptable and it soon became more popular as other famous beautiful stars in big films wore them (the BBC link in the first line of this post has one of the most famous: Ursula Andress in Dr. No; the bikini even became furry with the help of another bombshell Rachel Welch and of course it's birthday is news in whatever language you speak (French, Spanish, Portuguese) presumably because it is a good excuse for lucious 'eye candy' pictures for those males of the species who just love the sight (site) of scantily clad ladies ...hmmmmmm. The research was enjoyable...even Wiki articles like these: Evolution of the bikini and the Microkini
ResponderEliminarSpan, you've got a one track mind !
ResponderEliminarcurmy! how could you...it's at least 3 or 4 track...all connecting lines too :-)
ResponderEliminarBaldino...thought that said 'Span!' first time I read it! Thinking it disapproval of my post!...now I see it says 'Snap!' I shall be over to ogle
You'll both no doubt not be surprised that if my plane wasn't delayed I would have missed it this afternoon! I was happily 'researching' when I realised it was 4:15pm...my flight was due to leave at 6pm, doesn't sound too bad except that I hadn't finished packing, needed a shower and was sat naked at home whilst posting; arrived at the airport in record time probably picking up several points on the way...a ban may go hand in hand with my court appearance in Salisbury due in August (speeding last weekend whilst visiting my 'other' home) DOH!...I shall post about it in due course no doubt.
Span, the thought of you posting in your underpants is terrifying enough, naked is beyond the pale!
ResponderEliminarIt's not fair! I now have a vision of Tinky Winky minus the purple suit, sprinting across the departure lounge clutching a red handbag!
Anyway, don't forget, if you show your lardy arse in England, you owe me a beverage and a book!
Interesting and humorous at the same time.
ResponderEliminarYes, I was once done for speeding "I'm innocent..honest I am!"
Maybe so but I did not have the knowledge to argue the point and all because I was doing a good deed by presenting an extra Radio Request show on Hospital Radio one Sunday Morning(it was a professional sounding station)
No Dave Double Decks on the air there "Yes indeedy!"(Reference to an old Steve Wright character)
Good to see that you get over here now and again but not if you have the boys in blue after you...
Hope you are not affected too much and that by now you are somewhere that you wish to be and you caught your plane...
hello Gildy, I'm in Milan en route to Buenos Aires (??!!) Your 'doing a good deed' is very pertinent because I was driving back from Gatwick to pick up the son of a friend that had been 'put on a plane' back to the UK from Antigua; it appears he'd been a naughty boy and wa supsetting family there...on the way back...still onlt 9am...we got 'done'.
ResponderEliminarGavin...Tinky Winky running through the airport is a funny image, and of course far far from the true image (whistle) - he got sacked for being too camp didn't he? :-)
Camp is one thing, naked is another!
ResponderEliminarCamp is one thing? Spoken by someone who says he is going camping this weekend?
ResponderEliminarWho the bloody hell goes camping? It's on a par with contemplating brewing your own booze (oops!).
So - anyone any sympathy for the blubbing Ronaldo the other night?
Thought not.
Hello Sarnia...I'm looking forward to his reception at Old Trafford if he doesn't get transferred to Real Madrid in time! Muahahahahahahaa muahahahaha
ResponderEliminarGavin...I'm naked again...in a hotel room in Buenos Aires, just had a lovely hot bath then shower and I'm lobster red...so more like Po now.
Hello Span - lobster red eh?
ResponderEliminarIt's not the reception at OT that Ronaldo should worry about (most of the Man Yoo supporters hate England anyway and regularly chant "Argentina") but at away grounds.
I'm rooting for Germany (against Ronnie and co) in tonight's 3rd place play off. Sad or what?
Am off to Malta for a couple of days next week and then Sorrento the week after that.
Cover up before you leave your hotel room - you don't want to scare the natives.
You assume I'm not a flasher Sarnia!
Forgot the 3rd place play-off, been posting re eggs and old ladies...now going downstairs (clothed) to watch Germany win! (Doh! I hate saying taht too)
Span, I would have said hold that postion I'm on my way to Bimringham airport and I'll be with you in a couple of hours BUT I've got the services of a gorgeous and young sounding waiter tomorrow. Sorry but I do love a young man!!!!
ResponderEliminarTell us more Mags! :-)
ResponderEliminar...and you've told us before that Mr. Mags is younger than you! ;-)
...but you'll need more than a couple of hours!
Enjoy your trip...and sarnia too, I forgot to say enjoy Malta etc....re the footy - turned on the TV this afternoon and said "It's still 0-0"...within 2 seconds that bastion of Bastions Bastian Schvischniesweigerweinerburger scored one of three great goals...the 2nd with the help of poor petit Petit.
Span, all is revealed on my blog. To save you reading the whole dirge, just scroll down to the last bit!
ResponderEliminarYes, Mr Mags is 15 years younger than me (it's not a joke really but had he been a few years younger when we met I might have been accused of a terrible crime) but that doesn't mean I have stopped admiring young men. I just keep quiet about it normally.
Oi Sarnia of the septic tank, you never told me about Malta. Sorrento yes, Malta no. Is that just you and Mr Sarn's? A bit of oldie loving in a warm place for old bones?
I'll get me coat.
Well Mags if you checked your YM more often or read your emails even...
ResponderEliminarActually - I don't think I have mentioned Malta - only because it's all rather last minute. Mr. Sarnia has to go on business and I've been invited too! Only for a couple of days but better than nowt! (Brats old enough to be left under tender ministrations (sp?) of Thomas).
Oops, just checked YM and sure enough there is one that you sent to me on the 6th! Re-checked emails and no, no mention of Malta. I guess at your age you probably do want to keep dirty weeks away from the children a secret because as you know, (and I am yet to discover for real but for now I'll take it as read) wrinkly sex is sooooo dsigusting!
ResponderEliminarI'll get me hat now as well!
Is Thomas the oldest lad or the 'staff'?...if it's your boy he'll have all his mates and their fillies round for a rave so won't really notice the other children...
ResponderEliminarMags! ROFL...can you still run fast? I seem to remember you can/could...
LOL Mags! I'll tell you who I think is rather gorgeous - Italy's No. 9 Toni. Now - I normally don't "go" for footballers but I'll make an exception in his case.
ResponderEliminarI'll bow to your greater knowledge re: "wrinkly sex".
Span - Thomas is both! (Son and staff). He's just landed at Gatwick (from Turkey) and flies into Gsy later tonight.
Hope you've managed to find some clothes thereby avoiding scaring the natives.
Span, it is possible that I could run fast but as I haven't tried for years I couldn't say. However mindful of being around for my children I will not take the risk of a coronary by attempting a sprint.....unless it's after your naked self of course, but then knowing you, you would make it easy for me and just lie down! As to Sarnia, she wouldn't run, far too common for that one, plus why run when you have a free bus pass?
ResponderEliminarSarnia, I'm afraid that Italian men in general hold no allure for me. Let's face it, they live with their mothers until they marry so they must have some problems. Plus they are cheating so and so's.
My knowledge of wrinkly sex is only by heresay. I just thought you could give us all some first hand knowledge on the subject.
I'll get my gloves now.
Gloves? In summer! They must be those rubbery surgical ones....i won't ask what for! I'm not getting involved in the wrinkly sex thing (phew!) between you two but i would run...a little manily to work up a sweat and to add to the excitement! Chase me!
ResponderEliminarRe footy...that Toni is over 6 feet...a hunk to boot! Actually i liked the look and the attitude of Al Buffon Pacino....anyway...moving on....There was a slightly racist leaning thread or posts on the MB re the football...i.e. that all the Italian side 'looked' like Italians but none of the French 'looked' like French (the hint-point being that they were not white)...except scarface....and Saignol (sp?)
Ha ha Mags! I agree with what you say about men who live with their mothers ...
ResponderEliminarSpan - we agree! Toni is indeed a hunk and yes, there is a little je ne sais quoi (sp?) about Buffon also.
I can run quite fast actually - used to be a 100M sprinter.
This "wrinkly sex" thing is just Mags being nasty wasty to poor 'iccle me (because I am a two months older than her despite looking 10 years younger).
[Runs away VERY fast indeed]
Only in your dreams Sarnia!!! As to "poor iccle you", I just vomited. See what you do to me? Make me sick? That's what teenagers say about wrinkly sex!
ResponderEliminarI'll get me brolly now.
It's MY brolly - I'm Mary Poppins didn't you know?
ResponderEliminar[Just returned from taking K to surgery after a 2nd bout of tonsilitis - turns out she has glandular (is there an 'r' at the end of that word?) fever - I knew she wasn't shamming because she broke up from school last week].
So it's double poor iccle me (and her I suppose).
Oh - and I hope you vomited into a bucket and not all over the floor like you usually do. Slattern.
Oh sorry about K. I had glandualr fever when I was 25 and it was horrible. Poor thing probably will not feel better until it's time to go back to school. Big hug from me.
ResponderEliminarAs to you Madam, you're just sore because the Sarniabratlets are at home now and you cannot indulge in wrinkly sex in the conservatory during daylight hours. I saw it all on that video posted on that Septic Sex Site.....which I hasten to add I only visited because of your neighbours email.
I'll get my boots now.
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