The manuscript was in private hands throughout much of the twentieth century, and was sold at auction to a private collector on the 29th October 1998.
“Baltimore — The Archimedes Palimpsest is considered by many to be the most important scientific manuscript ever sold at auction. It was purchased at a Christie’s sale on Oct. 28, 1998, by an anonymous collector for $2,000,000. The collector deposited the Palimpsest at the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, for exhibition, conservation, imaging and scholarly study in 1999. Work has been ongoing ever since.”
"...there is no other surviving copy of On Floating Bodies in Greek [see below] — the language in which Archimedes wrote, and there is no version in any language of The Method of Mechanical Theorems and of this part of the Stomachion." ...focus on NO OTHER/ NO VERSION
"The bath anecdote does not give us the true measure of the man. In On Floating Bodies, [Eureka! and all that] Archimedes made the following, astonishingly subtle deduction: In a stable body of liquid, each column of equal volume must have equal weight; otherwise, liquid would flow from the heavier to the lighter. The same must hold true even if some solid body is immersed in such a column of liquid. In other words, if we have a column of liquid with a solid body immersed in it, the aggregate weight of the liquid and the body must be equal to that of a column of liquid of the same total volume. It follows that the immersed body must lose weight: it must lose a weight equal to the weight of the volume of water it has displaced. (This is why we feel lighter in the bath.)"
"The Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem sued Christie's earlier Wednesday in an effort to stop the auction. The religious entity alleged that the 174 pages of text were stolen. But Christie's argued that the current owners of the work were descendants of a Frenchman who legally bought the volume in the 1920s." Copyright © 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
"The sale went ahead after a court battle Wednesday night in which the Greek Orthodox Church, claiming ownership of the manuscript, failed to stop the auction. A federal judge ruled that Christie's had the right to sell the work on behalf of a French family that has had it for 75 years." Copyright © 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
Doesn't it beg the question of just how many scientific, eye-opening, wonders are lying hidden, either by accident or by order of one religion or another?..and how much has been destroyed, lost forever because it may or may not have shed doubt on some "accepted" concept or belief?
Those ancients weren't as stupid as some would have us believe. People think they're so clever now, with all their gadgets and stuff, we don't have to work things out with out brains anymore.
ResponderEliminarI'm sure many ancient documents have been lost over the centuries, due to war more than anything, I guess. When Constantinople fell in 1453 much was lost then.
I know what you mean Finny. I always cringe when I read about libraries being burnt down/ destroyed etc (that still happens these days!)
ResponderEliminarI'll probably 'tune in' to the webcast and see what's what - never done it beofre so it will be interesting.
Also, re Archimedes etc Syracuse and Sicily ahve always had an attraction for me but I've yet to get there...(note to self...)
ResponderEliminarSorry to hijack your interesting blog entry but I'm picking your brains again...How much have you had to alter your neocounter since you put it on your site?
I have suddenly realised that as more countries/visitors read our blogs as the countries scroll and the numbers increase unless you reduce the width of the script every so often sooner or later words and figures are going to disappear.
Like at present the last letter or two are missing so it does not say countries but countrie. The other thing that I am thinking is that if the numbers next to the flags increases they too will eventually disappear so that 145 may look like 14 or what happens when it runs into thousands or one day millions ;-)
Is it a case of very so often we need to go back to scratch and change the date that we are counting from?
Is that what you do?
The other question is...I know that I can put a link into a blog entry using www but sometimes I have seen a link that although its a www link it does not appear like that. I mean I have put up a link to a pop group's site but I would like it on the site to not look that way, it would still be highlighted and take you to the site.
I think Lucy has done this trick as well as Augustus, most recently with his cat video link.
Thanks for going to so much trouble explaining things. And I've made a note of your advice about uploading images too...
ResponderEliminarI haven't given up but will try again over the weekend. I can get the link to change colour but when I click on the link that I make, it says no such url exists and it insists on adding my web address in front of the link that directs to the site I wish to direct readers to.
ResponderEliminarSuch fun!
Did they find anything intersting Span?
ResponderEliminarKeep trying Gildy,we can beat these computer things into surrender we can!