The picture is a genuine advertisement for organic milk – I resent any “Span’s being pervy” thoughts!...despite some truth…more on The Cerne Giant later but the ad is a genuine one for Manor Farm Organic Milk Ltd., which is an independent family-run business based at Manor Farm, Godmanstone, an organic farm on the Dorset Downs, and only 10 minutes from my family…and also on one of my favourite stretches of road...but I digress.
The news in the report isn’t new; the wonderful website of Omsco (Organic Milk Suppliers Coop) tells us that back in 2003 research had proved that organic milk is naturally higher in certain nutrients than non-organic milk and one such nutrient is Omega 3 essential fatty acid….the Guardian mentions newer research, no doubt having peer reviewed this work:
In fact, in the same newspaper there is a good example of how things progress reading the earlier articles: from 6 years ago [link]In 2003 Dr Richard Dewhurst, Joint Leader of the Nutrition and Microbiology Team at the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, carried out a peer reviewed study that confirmed that organic milk naturally contains much more Omega 3 fatty acid than non-organic milk. This is due to the fact that organic cows are fed higher levels of natural red clover than non-organic cows.
Further research carried out at the University of Aberdeen in 2004 found yet higher levels of Omega 3 in organic milk. The research, which compared the Omega 3 content of organic and non-organic milk showed that organic milk can contain up to 71% more Omega 3 than non-organic milk and has a better ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 than non-organic milk.
…and 5 years ago [link]Advocates of organics have argued that food grown without chemical fertilisers or pesticides must be healthier while critics have said they may be more risky because of naturally occurring infections and because of the liberal use of cow dung.
[Food Standards Agency]. They may be becoming convinced now because only this month, as says FSA Chairman Deirdre Hutton: ‘We are extremely pleased to announce that Peter Melchett (Lord Peter Melchett of the Soil Association) will be the keynote speaker at the 2007 City Food Lecture. Sales of organic food are growing rapidly and this will be a chance to debate the significance of its increasing popularity.The Soil Association, the movement's main standard bearer, unveiled a report compiling what it regarded as significant evidence of the health benefits of organic alternatives - including both their lack of harmful chemicals and supplies of minerals and nutrients - but failed to convince the agency.
Coincidentally, the next 2 weeks are “Organic Fortnight”…I hope you hadn’t forgotten…HEREthe Soil Association will inform you if there’s an event near where you live. Also click on the cowEssentially, organic farming is about building healthy soil by means of correct crop rotations, pasture management and recycling of manures and residues, to produce healthy crops with the right balance of nutrients to feed healthy animals and people. Substances and methods which do not help this process, such as artificial fertilisers and pesticides, monocultures and GMOs are avoided, whilst animal welfare and environmental protection are paramount. The extra care needed to operate organic systems costs money, which is why organic food can seem expensive, but we believe it is well worth it to anyone who values a good wholesome diet, contented farm animals, flourishing wildlife and a diverse countryside.
Finally…getting back to…him…you know, him at the top…well, it’s a well known landmark and associated with pagan fertility festivals etc…reporting on pagan May Day festivities in his 'Anatomy of Abuses' (1583), Philip Stubbs wrote:
Well, that’s those “pastimes” they mentioned ahem). Now just round it all off: the original post and Guardian article are about the higher amount of essential fatty acids in the milk, or more precisely the amount of ALA (Alpha Linolenic acid)…HERE’s a 3D model of the carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms (C18H30O2) that make up that fatty acid….imagine that, manufactured in durable rubber…sex toy or what!!!"Hundreds of men, women, and children go off to the woods and groves and spend all the night in pastimes, and in the morning return with birch boughs and branches of trees to deck their assembles withall....I have heard it credibly reported by men of great gravity that, of a hundred maids going to the woods, there have scarcely the third part of them returned home again as they went."
Of course you're being pervy. That's what you do. Actually there was a programme on telly tonight that was all about people breast feeding children of about 5 - I found that deeply unsettling. Just because it's natural doesn't make it desirable, or right. Such things cannot make for sound minds in children...
ResponderEliminarClearly Little Britain was identifying strange mad folk who exist, not strange IMAGINARY mad folk who are funny because they are so preposterous they cannot exist....
Bitty....(vomit enducing) Actually it isn't very good as the mother's milk is no way developed to sustain a young child; it is purely a nuture thing and not particulllaly good for mother or child; they should be weaned off asap.
ResponderEliminarRe obscene chalk figures...I thought 'I don't remember that', clicked on link and then thiought 'silly Gavin's put the wrong link'...slowly but surely it dawned on me! :-)
I did link you and your courgettes further down the post.
Span, I must say, that chalk figure was the last image I wanted to have in my mind before I went to sleep last night!
ResponderEliminarThat saying about blokes keeping their brains in their underpants was obviously spot on !
Span, the last message I left on your blog hasn't appeared yet ! (sulk)
ResponderEliminarGood post Span. I remember reading recently that milk from Gsy cows is one of the best in the world.
ResponderEliminarAnyway - as I type I can see out of the window into the field next door - full of lovely brown and white Guernsey cows.
I use full fat Gsy milk always.
It wasn't there this morning curmy...don't know why. I just read your post and thought why is she going to bed at midday?...then I thought I better not ask (whistle) ;-)
ResponderEliminarHi Sarnia. Yes, the CI breeds are all a bit better in the first article (I think) it says that but that has always been the case, organic or not: their milk always has a higher fat content that the 'big ol' black&whites. Growing up in Pinner I used to live backing on to London greenbelt and there was a herd of shorthorns (good for milk and meat) and I must say I think it had something to do with the career path I chose...
Wish I could remember what I read now - it wasn't the fat content that made it so good for you - grrr - what was it?
ResponderEliminarWhen I was growing up we always had gold top milk delivered - silver top was for wusses.
I hate coincidences...look at a report out this week!!!
Basically this is a trial 'disproving' the test done a few years back by the A2 corporation (link in post above) re the connection of beta A1 caesin with heart disease/cholesterol levels etc.
Watta cheek Span, I'll have you know my House of Ill Rupute is closed on Thursdays (laugh)
ResponderEliminarAnchor Butter...the green green grass grows all year round - stylish synchronised dancing cows, Jerseys as I recall... Catchy, oh so catchy...
ResponderEliminarCaesin - that's it. I don't drink gallons of the stuff; just have it in tea and coffee and the occassional (sp?) bowl of cereal BUT it has to be full fat.
ResponderEliminarIt's lovely having the field (of cows) next to the back garden - we actually witness several births a year - the children (when younger) were entranced.
Perhaps you should drink more...milk's good for the bones of ladies of a certain age, Sarns...[runs and hides] ;-D
ResponderEliminarGavin! You are rude :-)
ResponderEliminarSarnia, all milk has caesin but it's the percentages of the type (alpha beta kappa) and the percentages within those percentages, especially the beta (A1 or A2 etc) and guernsey milk is very high in the beta A2...
I'm not saying a word about Guernsey Cows.
ResponderEliminarNope, not a word.
Oooooh Span you've got a link to your post, a link that isn't from one of us!
ResponderEliminarThey can't spell 'advice' in the title, but hey, a link's a link Tubbs!
Oooh blimey! I can only think that it has picked up on the word organic or it's from the organic-network (the are you DYING to look good' link in my post) I know you've read the whole think and checked all the links...(taps foot)...and you Mags!...of course those Guernsey cows udders are almost dragging on the ground...(whistle)
ResponderEliminar(scarpers a swell!)
Clearly it's your weighty gravitas, amigo!
ResponderEliminar(saunters off humming, and scuffing a foot, with hands nonchalently in pockets, a picture of innocence)
Gavin Viking - I hereby sentence you to a further 3 weeks of misery in my garage.
ResponderEliminarMags is doing penance in my garden shed and I shan't let her out - no - not even to put the Christmas Sprouts on.
Span - you weren't too rude so I'll let you off. For now.
I claim innocence...I wasn't reading into teh comments what Mags (or Gavin) could have meant...(innocent cheeky grin with twinkle in eye...who me? Ows, be rude to Sarnia? NO way!!!) ;-)
ResponderEliminarNow go away and let me get on with my Green Tomato Chutney!
I had a romantic moment under this chap once upon a time...
ResponderEliminarLucy here as I can't post as me....
Bloody hell! Lucy...tell us all can't post titbits like that and not give us the cream! oh...I're milking it...
ResponderEliminar(I'll get my coat)
ResponderEliminarLol - very tame really, just a kiss at his feet whilst on a country walk past the giant..
at his feet sounded a bit submisive though so I changed it to under which sounded even worse probably!