Later this year is the
World Cup and England defends it's title of RUGBY WORLD CHAMPIONS. Yes, and to celebrate I post this lovely photo of a fit woman playing with probably the most famous type of odd shaped ball - gratuitous perviness you think, and of course you'd be exactly right: all I wanted to say was to ask if anyone seen the new England Rugby shirt yet? You have now (below)! Seems a bit 'poncy' to me, I always liked the plain white strip, but hey, I'll love it to bits if it helps us retain the World Cup this year (...OK, that's pushing it; I'll love it to bits if it helps us not be completely obliterated/ embarrassed...) I guess the reason for all the red is to disguise the blood: we're in the same group as South Africa, Samoa, Tonga and the USA so even if we manage to survive it will be a very bruised and battered England that go through; if we do qualify we will probably go through to meet Australia...ah well.
Yes, girls, he actually plays - and very well up to now! - for England.
Ooh, she looks happy, nice try! :-)
Update 17/05/07 11:30a.m. It appears we could be in for a thrashing long before the autumn! Two things make me say that. We have 2 tests in South Africa in the next two weeks but we're going with a (very) weakened squad:
England, who will play two Tests, are missing around 35 players because of club commitments and injuries.
The South Africans will be on a high because this Saturday two South African teams will contest the Super14's final: Pretoria Bulls will face the Natal Sharks...hopefully they'll be knackered!!
Well I have to say when I saw the photograph in the paper this morning my first reaction was "Oh no!." I can imagine a style guru being sent into the England dressing room before kick-off and at half-time to make sure the stripe appears to be continuous throughout the game.
ResponderEliminarNah - does nothing for me. Sloping shoulders and a girlie face.
ResponderEliminarGot me all excited (on my blog) saying you'd posted a hunk for me and all...
Funnily enough I could have sworn you had mentioned him before. Now I think back I rememebr it was that blondie number 7 (Popham)playing for Wales...more mature and rugged; I guess you wouldn't be the type to go for the (too) young 'toy' boy ;-)
ResponderEliminar...mind you, England do seem to be churning out a string of young, blondie, new 'stars'
Blimey Span, if you are going to put male totty on your blog could you at least spend as much time and trouble on selection as you do with the female totty? Where's the beefcake maleness? He's a girlie and no mistake.
ResponderEliminarMaybe you should have published that photgraph of yourself you keep promising us?
I would find it soon or I may resort to publishing more of those photgraphs I took of you in Barcelona! You know the ones I mean!
ResponderEliminarNo Mags, noooooooooooooo! I'd never 'live down the let down' that would be for everyone!
Re girlie, he was the only one I could find in the new shirt...honest!
Span, the let down would be for us to decide! Wimp!
ResponderEliminarForget the new shirt, find something in the old shirt, or any shirt. Something to match the abundance of female totty!
Mags! you loon, you were supposed to say yes (or no!) thereby continuing the idea that you do indeed have photos!
ResponderEliminarI'll consider some totty for you and Sarnia - I'm sure blondie is OK while you wait :-)
(how amusing, I wrote 'titty' instead of totty - luckily spotted before I posted the comment)...onlookers are wondering why I'm giggling.
Span, I have no idea what you are on about but I DO have photographs of you in Barcelona. You know I do. The world has seen them on my blog!