miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2007

Opulent owner's overinvestment...

still life; green melonI quite like this picture; it's a watercolour by Cezanne 'Nature Morte au Melon Vert' (Still Life of a Green Melon) and has just been sold for USD25.5 million; that's 5 times more than it sold for 18 years ago: "In 1989 it fetched £2.5m (+/- $5 million at today's exchange rate without adjusting for the different 'value' of the money) at auction when it was sold by the British Rail Pension Fund." (picture link to news)

It never ceases to amaze me how much people are willing to pay for something that more often than not they keep hidden away; however, if I had that sort of dosh to play with - sorry to disappoint those of you that thought I did - I could quite imagine myself acquiring a piece or two of this sort of 'classic' art; what I wouldn't do, as happened last year, is pay $140 million for some complete bollocks, oops I mean Pollock's. Each to his own I guess; there's no accounting for taste.

8 comentarios:

  1. As I understand it Span its all to do with tax and investments rather than 'art'.
    What do you do with 1billion pounds other than invest it ...?

    Its why the uk property market has reached silly levels, to many investors [I think!]

  2. You're right, I'm sure Lucy. I like art but have a view distinct from the critics and luvvies about what art is.

    P.S.....just back from my delivery round in teh lorry (whistle) ;-)

  3. I don't like that pic at all. The melon looks like a mouldy boob.

  4. Mouldy blob of what?... :-)

    btw...what sort of thing do you like art-wise?

  5. Mouldy BOOB! NOT blob!

    Art wise? I like what I like. How about that, eh?


  6. hehehe...do you know what Sarnia, I saw your response and presumed you had a typo and written 'blob' instead of 'boob'...now I see it was me that misread your comment, several times (!!!) No doubt my clear and saintly mind disguising such naughty words such as boob...

    anyway...real vegetation growing from boobies here here :-)

  7. LOL! "Celery! Celery! If she don't come then tickle her bum with a clump of Celery"

    Ahem. Come on you Blues!

  8. You drive your Lorry Span!
    If you see my last post in that thread you will see that my main argument was against those who wish to 'blame ' madeleines parents for taking [what I belive to be] a very low risk in order to live a healthy life, yet cannot see that life is full of risks, some really quite bid ones, that we choose to not think about.
