miércoles, 11 de julio de 2007

One or other...

100 up! Just a quick (self congratulatory) note to say that if anyone ever bothers to scroll down beyond the newest post or two, or had a peek at what's in the sidebar (about 10% of what was in the old Owsblog sidebars!) you'll note that on my Neocounter (wonderful blog tools) I have reached visits from 102 countries...I have been waiting for a couple of weeks since reaching 100 because one flag has 'Europe' - and so could be any of the European countries that I already have flags for - and another says 'other', now of course 'other' does indeed mean another so should definitely count as being something apart from the rest but just to be one the safe side I have been patiently (NOT!) biding my time.

11 comentarios:

  1. Is it a boy thing? All these blog tools I mean?

  2. So what do you want then? A Crackerjack pencil?


  3. What cynics the pair of you! :-)

    More like childish glee with new toys Mags; it is not exclusively a boy thing as many of the bits and bobs that I had (especially on the original Owsblog) were first seen on 'girlie' blogs...some by no means all.

    A crackerjack pencil would be nice (and more appreciated than a Blue Peter badge!)

    ...I do like all those little flags though... (sighs)

  4. My counter is pretty meaningless - everytime I get excited about a foreign visitor it turns out to be you! (no offence obviously)

    I got a message from Rodrigo which didn't make much sense when translated from Portuguese!

  5. Span, it is boy thing. It has to be. Tell me, she says sitting down and putting imaginary spectacles on, crossing her legs and looking very interested, have you always fantasised about the number, capacity and power of your tools or is it something that has happened with middle age?

  6. LOL!!!!

    Poor Span! All these horrible girlies what just pour scorn on you!

    Counters, flags etc - what the hell are they and, more importantly, who cares?

    (Well, don't answer the last bit!)

  7. Paul, I'm sure they're not ALL me...are they?! I think Rodrigo was selling T shirts (I presume it was spam...with an 'm'!)

    Hmmm, so imaginging Mags doing what she says I should lie down on the imaginary couch (admiring crossed legs...in denier sheer back seam stockings...hmmm...wakes up...doh!) Maybe it is more a boy thing but it's fun! BTW...I wouldn't want my tool to have so many colours and stripes...but then again...;-)

    Sarnia...humph, will ignore that comment...I hope you've actually SEEN my counter (sulks)

  8. Span, if when you wake up from your filthy fantasies, your tool has gone all colourful and stripey, I would see a real doctor or check that you cleaned your hand after painting the night before.

    BTW how many denier?

  9. Span, that is DISGUSTING! You deserve a good slapping but I will not because no doubt you would enjoy that, so I'll get Mr Mags to do it instead of me.

  10. Superbike girl's gonna get stuck to the leather seat on her bike wearing so little.
