"The Caganer was a obliged figure in the Christmas Cribs of the eighteenth century since at that time was believed that with his fertile depositions the soil of the crib will became rich and productive for the coming year! It was also believed that he would bring good health and calm to the body and the soul, which is necessary to do the crib with pride and happiness that Christmas brings at home. Putting this jolly little man in the crib used to bring luck and happiness." [sic]
domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008
Ornamental orifice...
Ornamental orifice...
"The Caganer was a obliged figure in the Christmas Cribs of the eighteenth century since at that time was believed that with his fertile depositions the soil of the crib will became rich and productive for the coming year! It was also believed that he would bring good health and calm to the body and the soul, which is necessary to do the crib with pride and happiness that Christmas brings at home. Putting this jolly little man in the crib used to bring luck and happiness." [sic]
sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008
Opportunist offers...
"This is a major advance. Europe, after these decisions, remains the leader on climate change." said Brown....yes, another part of the world you've help save.
"This is a message especially to our US partners," said Barroso. (like, please don't just ignore us again)
...no Nicholas, that's what you might think but it is an interesting and long overdue admission of the way things have been done. Anyway, all this is just a Kyoto Lite that was ignored by the US and all those that did sign up haven't cutback greenhouse gas emissions to any great effect, in fact the real polluters, that weren't given reduction targets but did sign the treaty, are increasing emissions."We are starting to change the way we do things in Europe, talking less and doing more,"
If you want to do your bit the chart below gives what can be assumed as an average "Western" citizen's usage. What will you cut back on?...and there my friends lies the crux of the matter: the climate crisis (not the finacial one...or the others!) isn't going to disappear in a puff of smoke, although that is possibly one outcome for 'our' Earth! We have some alternatives (wind, tide, sun...) but any technologies we need that would actually reduce emissions by any significant amount aren't there and are certainly not just round the corner and meanwhile we all think what we can do...no car? no foreign travel? no hot water? no heating the house? Well, maybe next year...
Opportunist offers...
"This is a major advance. Europe, after these decisions, remains the leader on climate change." said Brown....yes, another part of the world you've help save.
"This is a message especially to our US partners," said Barroso. (like, please don't just ignore us again)
...no Nicholas, that's what you might think but it is an interesting and long overdue admission of the way things have been done. Anyway, all this is just a Kyoto Lite that was ignored by the US and all those that did sign up haven't cutback greenhouse gas emissions to any great effect, in fact the real polluters, that weren't given reduction targets but did sign the treaty, are increasing emissions."We are starting to change the way we do things in Europe, talking less and doing more,"
If you want to do your bit the chart below gives what can be assumed as an average "Western" citizen's usage. What will you cut back on?...and there my friends lies the crux of the matter: the climate crisis (not the finacial one...or the others!) isn't going to disappear in a puff of smoke, although that is possibly one outcome for 'our' Earth! We have some alternatives (wind, tide, sun...) but any technologies we need that would actually reduce emissions by any significant amount aren't there and are certainly not just round the corner and meanwhile we all think what we can do...no car? no foreign travel? no hot water? no heating the house? Well, maybe next year...
miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008
Over overspending...
"Here is the picture narrowed down to short- term debt (ie, due by next Christmas)" see graph below, full story HERE from Nelson Fraser at The Spectator."The reason Britain is in so much trouble is that our corporate and household debts are huge. It is the combination that makes us such a credit liability."... "the UK economy and financial system highly vulnerable when, as now, global banking and capital flows dries up."
These numbers should be on the front pages of every newspaper in the country and on the news channels and programmes of every TV station...well I can't imagine the BBC complying but the others should.
Over overspending...
"Here is the picture narrowed down to short- term debt (ie, due by next Christmas)" see graph below, full story HERE from Nelson Fraser at The Spectator."The reason Britain is in so much trouble is that our corporate and household debts are huge. It is the combination that makes us such a credit liability."... "the UK economy and financial system highly vulnerable when, as now, global banking and capital flows dries up."
These numbers should be on the front pages of every newspaper in the country and on the news channels and programmes of every TV station...well I can't imagine the BBC complying but the others should.
sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2008
Overweening officials...
Anyway, what led me to post was the post on EU Referendum: Which one's the democrat? . Unbelievable...no, totally believable! Read it; it ends thus:
[President Vaclav Klaus] "I did not compare you with the Soviet Union, I did not mention the word[s] 'Soviet Union'. I only said that I have not experienced such an atmosphere, such style of debate in the past 19 years in the Czech Republic, really."
Overweening officials...
Anyway, what led me to post was the post on EU Referendum: Which one's the democrat? . Unbelievable...no, totally believable! Read it; it ends thus:
[President Vaclav Klaus] "I did not compare you with the Soviet Union, I did not mention the word[s] 'Soviet Union'. I only said that I have not experienced such an atmosphere, such style of debate in the past 19 years in the Czech Republic, really."
Today, is also the day, 10 years ago Hugo Chavez was elected President of Venezuela; happy anniversay Hugo...ten years...not quite sure of any connection except that Venezuela seems to be heading from democracy to dictatorship or at least hovering between the blurred lines of the two.
Reading on the blatantly pro-Chavez website Venezulea Analasis I was sifting through various articles, impressed that Venezuela was 4th in a Life Satisfaction poll (rather than take their spin I looked it up myself [IDB]...) when I noticed another article named "To Stop the Advance of the Right, We Must Strengthen People's Power" where they interviewed Gonzalo Gómez of Chavez's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). Interesting..."The Right" aren't part of the people?
[VA] What does the election of opposition governors and mayors mean for the community councils, communal organizing in general, and the communal cities proposed in Chávez's recent law-decrees?
Nice...vote against, or God forbid, indulge in dialogue that is not pro Chavez and you must be a traitor, a rancid, ultra-right mortal enemy of the people.[GG] Well, surely they are going to be an obstacle and they are going to be enemies of this. They are going to try to destroy it. At best, they will manipulate it initially, and they will go and converse, dialogue, and begin to build bridges from the government.
But this is a dialogue of traitors aimed at taking advantage and buying time to prepare for what they are going to do afterward. We are talking about the counter-revolution. We are talking about a rancid ultra-right wing. They are mortal enemies of people's organizations, of popular power.
P.S. In that last link "another article" it appears that Dave Lee Travis is a Venezuelan hero!
Today, is also the day, 10 years ago Hugo Chavez was elected President of Venezuela; happy anniversay Hugo...ten years...not quite sure of any connection except that Venezuela seems to be heading from democracy to dictatorship or at least hovering between the blurred lines of the two.
Reading on the blatantly pro-Chavez website Venezulea Analasis I was sifting through various articles, impressed that Venezuela was 4th in a Life Satisfaction poll (rather than take their spin I looked it up myself [IDB]...) when I noticed another article named "To Stop the Advance of the Right, We Must Strengthen People's Power" where they interviewed Gonzalo Gómez of Chavez's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). Interesting..."The Right" aren't part of the people?
[VA] What does the election of opposition governors and mayors mean for the community councils, communal organizing in general, and the communal cities proposed in Chávez's recent law-decrees?
Nice...vote against, or God forbid, indulge in dialogue that is not pro Chavez and you must be a traitor, a rancid, ultra-right mortal enemy of the people.[GG] Well, surely they are going to be an obstacle and they are going to be enemies of this. They are going to try to destroy it. At best, they will manipulate it initially, and they will go and converse, dialogue, and begin to build bridges from the government.
But this is a dialogue of traitors aimed at taking advantage and buying time to prepare for what they are going to do afterward. We are talking about the counter-revolution. We are talking about a rancid ultra-right wing. They are mortal enemies of people's organizations, of popular power.
P.S. In that last link "another article" it appears that Dave Lee Travis is a Venezuelan hero!
viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008
Oneirataxian outing...
Oneirataxian outing...
domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008
Objectionable oration...
The Venezuelan president called on his party to initiate the debates to achieve the reforms that would keep him in power."Chávez quiere una enmienda constitucional para permitir su reelección" [El País (Spanish)] "El presidente venezolano pide a su partido que inicie los debates para lograr la reforma que le perpetúe en el poder"
Objectionable oration...
The Venezuelan president called on his party to initiate the debates to achieve the reforms that would keep him in power."Chávez quiere una enmienda constitucional para permitir su reelección" [El País (Spanish)] "El presidente venezolano pide a su partido que inicie los debates para lograr la reforma que le perpetúe en el poder"
Olamic obloquy...
obloquy n. - abuse; disgrace. oblocutor, n. one who denies or disputes.
It seems that politicians are becoming even more worried about criticism, about being found out: how dare the plebs write about high and mighty politicians and how they
This 'dangerous phenomenon' where everybody is free to post the truth? Where it's nearly impossible to defend yourself against the "mud-slinging" that is others' knowledge of politicians' abuse of power and position? This hint about the need to control blogs is nothing new: the EU has already been in debate re controlling blogging but do we really want to go the way of certain not-too-free societies? The blogosphere should not be seen as a threat, it should be seen both as a source of information (checking sources is becoming very easy and nobody would/should take anything as 'Gospel' without at least double-checking) and of criticism, hopefully constructive; as Robin says and I wholeheartedly concur:I want to take this opportunity and use this non-event to signal a dangerous phenomenon in our society. We live in a time where everybody is free to publish whatever he or she wants on blogs at will without taking any responsibility. This exceeds mud-slinging. Together with you, other Parliament members and the government I find that it’s nearly impossible to defend yourself against this. Everyone of you is a potential victim. I would like to ask you to take a moment and think about this.
People, and especially politicians representing them, need to wake up and smell the coffee. The world is changing, and blogging is now a big part of it, with all of its good sides as well as its bad ones. Live and learn. The sooner you get the hang of social media, the more you’ll see the opportunities in there rather than the threats.
The banner below - and the one I now have in my sidebar - is with thanks to the Enchanté / adhese blog (click on the banner to go there)
Olamic obloquy...
obloquy n. - abuse; disgrace. oblocutor, n. one who denies or disputes.
It seems that politicians are becoming even more worried about criticism, about being found out: how dare the plebs write about high and mighty politicians and how they
This 'dangerous phenomenon' where everybody is free to post the truth? Where it's nearly impossible to defend yourself against the "mud-slinging" that is others' knowledge of politicians' abuse of power and position? This hint about the need to control blogs is nothing new: the EU has already been in debate re controlling blogging but do we really want to go the way of certain not-too-free societies? The blogosphere should not be seen as a threat, it should be seen both as a source of information (checking sources is becoming very easy and nobody would/should take anything as 'Gospel' without at least double-checking) and of criticism, hopefully constructive; as Robin says and I wholeheartedly concur:I want to take this opportunity and use this non-event to signal a dangerous phenomenon in our society. We live in a time where everybody is free to publish whatever he or she wants on blogs at will without taking any responsibility. This exceeds mud-slinging. Together with you, other Parliament members and the government I find that it’s nearly impossible to defend yourself against this. Everyone of you is a potential victim. I would like to ask you to take a moment and think about this.
People, and especially politicians representing them, need to wake up and smell the coffee. The world is changing, and blogging is now a big part of it, with all of its good sides as well as its bad ones. Live and learn. The sooner you get the hang of social media, the more you’ll see the opportunities in there rather than the threats.
The banner below - and the one I now have in my sidebar - is with thanks to the Enchanté / adhese blog (click on the banner to go there)
sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008
Olympic obstacle...
That said, Weymouth isn't the easiest place to get to, it may LOOK easy with two approach roads - one 'a major' A Road - and a railway, [Google map] but anyone who's actually been there can testify that it's bleedin' awful by road or rail...small, old, delapidated, two-carriage trains make the journey - but not as often as you'd think - and in summer when you would expect many more trains or carriages to be added to service a major seaside town then you'd be mistaken; also, the roads are clogged on even the slightest increase in traffic. So, the venue may be ready but if there are no plans to improve the approach or the ability to accomadate thousands of extra visitors apart from the normal holiday traffic then they can kiss goodbye to any plaudits they may get for being ready 3 years before the event!
Olympic obstacle...
That said, Weymouth isn't the easiest place to get to, it may LOOK easy with two approach roads - one 'a major' A Road - and a railway, [Google map] but anyone who's actually been there can testify that it's bleedin' awful by road or rail...small, old, delapidated, two-carriage trains make the journey - but not as often as you'd think - and in summer when you would expect many more trains or carriages to be added to service a major seaside town then you'd be mistaken; also, the roads are clogged on even the slightest increase in traffic. So, the venue may be ready but if there are no plans to improve the approach or the ability to accomadate thousands of extra visitors apart from the normal holiday traffic then they can kiss goodbye to any plaudits they may get for being ready 3 years before the event!
viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008
Ominous overreaction?...
"Once in custody, detectives kept her isolated from her two teenage daughters and autistic son for 24 hours. Then they began the grilling... ...They let her go, but soon hauled her back in. Before her second interrogation, they left her shivering in a cell. Before her third, a woman officer put on rubber gloves and strip-searched her. After that, 'I just lost my ability to think coherently,'"
Of course such developments are worrying, the Green episode may come to nought but the trend, if it is indeed a trend (how many cases have not had the coverage?) is Stasiesque to say the least: and as one poster (thank you JSG) put it on the BBC R5L messageboards: "The opposition has an official position, standing, Her Majesties opposition. I can not see how a servant of the state civil service can 'leak' to a shadow minister. They surely are entitled to any information in the state system.""With their full knowledge, the law enforcement agencies have devoted vast effort on hounding a part-time reporter on a little local paper, while ignoring the criminals the public pays them to catch."
...and by complete and unbelievable coincidence: reported today in The Times.
Ominous overreaction?...
"Once in custody, detectives kept her isolated from her two teenage daughters and autistic son for 24 hours. Then they began the grilling... ...They let her go, but soon hauled her back in. Before her second interrogation, they left her shivering in a cell. Before her third, a woman officer put on rubber gloves and strip-searched her. After that, 'I just lost my ability to think coherently,'"
Of course such developments are worrying, the Green episode may come to nought but the trend, if it is indeed a trend (how many cases have not had the coverage?) is Stasiesque to say the least: and as one poster (thank you JSG) put it on the BBC R5L messageboards: "The opposition has an official position, standing, Her Majesties opposition. I can not see how a servant of the state civil service can 'leak' to a shadow minister. They surely are entitled to any information in the state system.""With their full knowledge, the law enforcement agencies have devoted vast effort on hounding a part-time reporter on a little local paper, while ignoring the criminals the public pays them to catch."
...and by complete and unbelievable coincidence: reported today in The Times.
miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008
"Tory Bear's 'trance remix' of George Osborne's brilliant response to the Pre Budget Report" from Play Political.com.
"Tory Bear's 'trance remix' of George Osborne's brilliant response to the Pre Budget Report" from Play Political.com.
lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008
Ocracy outgoings (II)...
Here are the Key Findings from the TPA website:
There are 387 people receiving remuneration packages of £150,000 or more a year across 140 government departments, quangos, other public bodies and public corporations, up from 300 people on the 2007 Public Sector Rich List. (Note that this excludes local government, who are published on their own TPA Rich List every March. The 2008 Town Hall Rich List identified 88 people earning over £150,000 a year.)
There are 4 people in the public sector who earn more than £1 million a year, up from 1 person earning above £1 million last year.
There are 21 people in the public sector earning above £500,000 a year, up from 17 on last year's list.
There are 88 people earning above £250,000 a year, up from 66 on last year's list.
There are 194 people earning more than the Prime Minister, whose salary is £189,994, up from 142 on last year's list.
The 387 people on our list had an average pay rise of 10.9%... This is three times average earnings growth (including bonuses) across the country, which is currently around 3.5%
The average total remuneration of the 387 people on the list is almost £240,000 per annum. This works out at over £4,600 a week...
The 10 most highly paid people in the public sector earn almost £1 million on average...
The report features a list of the top 10 rewards for failure, including highly paid officials from HMRC (which lost 25 million people's personal data); the Financial Services Authority (which presided over the worst financial crisis since 1930); Northern Rock; the QCA and other organisations which have failed the public.
The report includes a list of 10 people working for the three bodies responsible for regulating the financial system – the FSA, the Treasury and the Bank of England - who have overseen the financial crisis. Their remuneration packages average almost £400,000 per annum.
A special list is also included of 24 executives who have presided over embarrassing losses of personal data over the past year. Their average remuneration package was over £190,000 per annum."
Ocracy outgoings (II)...
Here are the Key Findings from the TPA website:
There are 387 people receiving remuneration packages of £150,000 or more a year across 140 government departments, quangos, other public bodies and public corporations, up from 300 people on the 2007 Public Sector Rich List. (Note that this excludes local government, who are published on their own TPA Rich List every March. The 2008 Town Hall Rich List identified 88 people earning over £150,000 a year.)
There are 4 people in the public sector who earn more than £1 million a year, up from 1 person earning above £1 million last year.
There are 21 people in the public sector earning above £500,000 a year, up from 17 on last year's list.
There are 88 people earning above £250,000 a year, up from 66 on last year's list.
There are 194 people earning more than the Prime Minister, whose salary is £189,994, up from 142 on last year's list.
The 387 people on our list had an average pay rise of 10.9%... This is three times average earnings growth (including bonuses) across the country, which is currently around 3.5%
The average total remuneration of the 387 people on the list is almost £240,000 per annum. This works out at over £4,600 a week...
The 10 most highly paid people in the public sector earn almost £1 million on average...
The report features a list of the top 10 rewards for failure, including highly paid officials from HMRC (which lost 25 million people's personal data); the Financial Services Authority (which presided over the worst financial crisis since 1930); Northern Rock; the QCA and other organisations which have failed the public.
The report includes a list of 10 people working for the three bodies responsible for regulating the financial system – the FSA, the Treasury and the Bank of England - who have overseen the financial crisis. Their remuneration packages average almost £400,000 per annum.
A special list is also included of 24 executives who have presided over embarrassing losses of personal data over the past year. Their average remuneration package was over £190,000 per annum."
domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008
Ocracy outgoings...
Ocracy outgoings...
Oncoming oppression...
P.S. Darling [not my darling] I hope the planned VAT cut isn't all you and your puppet master are planning on doing [The Guardian]...what a load of cobblers. Whom will this really help? More practical problems overheard at Village Counter Talk.
Still, not to worry, as the Times tells us, the government are doing their level best to lower unemployment by continuing the unbelivable jobs bonanza for pen-pushers for, despite it all:From the Guardian: "City economists said a VAT cut was 'psychologically attractive', as it would encourage people to spend when times were hard and could easily be withdrawn later."
"local authorities and government departments are still creating a plethora of obscure pen-pushing posts at taxpayers' expense."
Oncoming oppression...
P.S. Darling [not my darling] I hope the planned VAT cut isn't all you and your puppet master are planning on doing [The Guardian]...what a load of cobblers. Whom will this really help? More practical problems overheard at Village Counter Talk.
Still, not to worry, as the Times tells us, the government are doing their level best to lower unemployment by continuing the unbelivable jobs bonanza for pen-pushers for, despite it all:From the Guardian: "City economists said a VAT cut was 'psychologically attractive', as it would encourage people to spend when times were hard and could easily be withdrawn later."
"local authorities and government departments are still creating a plethora of obscure pen-pushing posts at taxpayers' expense."
sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008
Observing odd occasions...
Following that up I noticed that it was the day when all Americans over a certain age remember where they were/what they were doing...President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas...imagine my horror again to realise I had forgotten that this was the day, 18 years ago, when Margaret Thatcher was forced to resign as Prime Minister...some call it the UK's equivalent of remembering where they were. Thanks to Ian Dale for the reminder! By the way, I was in Venezuela at the time on the flood plains of the Orinoco listening to the BBC world service.
Finally, speaking of Venezuela, tomorrow el pueblo venozolano go once more to the polls to vote in local elections for municipal mayors and also for governors of the country's 23 states and el Distrito Capital (Caracas). Chavez remains popular but many of his 'chosen ones' are not so Hugo is making the election one about him and to that end has been travelling around rallying support along with the usual threats and insults.
Hence the frenzied activity by Chavez himself "cranking up the rhetoric", almost everyone expects some losses in support for Chavez from the last elections (2004), how many will depend, as in most elections, on the oppositions' turnout."In the past, mere association with President Chavez was enough for local candidates to pull in the votes they needed for victory. That's no longer guaranteed."
Observing odd occasions...
Following that up I noticed that it was the day when all Americans over a certain age remember where they were/what they were doing...President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas...imagine my horror again to realise I had forgotten that this was the day, 18 years ago, when Margaret Thatcher was forced to resign as Prime Minister...some call it the UK's equivalent of remembering where they were. Thanks to Ian Dale for the reminder! By the way, I was in Venezuela at the time on the flood plains of the Orinoco listening to the BBC world service.
Finally, speaking of Venezuela, tomorrow el pueblo venozolano go once more to the polls to vote in local elections for municipal mayors and also for governors of the country's 23 states and el Distrito Capital (Caracas). Chavez remains popular but many of his 'chosen ones' are not so Hugo is making the election one about him and to that end has been travelling around rallying support along with the usual threats and insults.
Hence the frenzied activity by Chavez himself "cranking up the rhetoric", almost everyone expects some losses in support for Chavez from the last elections (2004), how many will depend, as in most elections, on the oppositions' turnout."In the past, mere association with President Chavez was enough for local candidates to pull in the votes they needed for victory. That's no longer guaranteed."
viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008
Obama option...
Obama option...
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008
Offering orderly ordure option...

"He thought that I thought a toilet was my right, when he knew it was a privilege...It must be, when 2.6 billion people don't have sanitation. I don't mean that they have no toilet in their house and must use a public one with queues and fees. Or that they have an outhouse or a rickety shack that empties into a filthy drain or pigsty. All that counts as sanitation, though not a safe variety. The people who have those are the fortunate ones. But four in ten people have no access to any latrine, toilet, bucket, or box. Nothing. Instead, they defecate by train tracks and in forests. They do it in plastic bags and fling them through the air in narrow slum alleyways. If they are women, they get up at 4 a.m. to be able to do their business under cover of darkness for reasons of modesty, risking rape and snakebites. Four in ten people live in situations in which they are surrounded by human excrement, because it is in the bushes outside the village or in their city yards, left by children outside the back door. It is tramped back in on their feet, carried on fingers onto clothes and into food and drinking water."Graphic description to say the least. Much, much, more from Rose's book, and well worth the read, previewed HERE in the Slate Magazine last month, in which is the quote:
"Sanitation is more important than independence."Mahatma Ghandi

Offering orderly ordure option...
"He thought that I thought a toilet was my right, when he knew it was a privilege...It must be, when 2.6 billion people don't have sanitation. I don't mean that they have no toilet in their house and must use a public one with queues and fees. Or that they have an outhouse or a rickety shack that empties into a filthy drain or pigsty. All that counts as sanitation, though not a safe variety. The people who have those are the fortunate ones. But four in ten people have no access to any latrine, toilet, bucket, or box. Nothing. Instead, they defecate by train tracks and in forests. They do it in plastic bags and fling them through the air in narrow slum alleyways. If they are women, they get up at 4 a.m. to be able to do their business under cover of darkness for reasons of modesty, risking rape and snakebites. Four in ten people live in situations in which they are surrounded by human excrement, because it is in the bushes outside the village or in their city yards, left by children outside the back door. It is tramped back in on their feet, carried on fingers onto clothes and into food and drinking water."Graphic description to say the least. Much, much, more from Rose's book, and well worth the read, previewed HERE in the Slate Magazine last month, in which is the quote:
"Sanitation is more important than independence."Mahatma Ghandi
Offering orderly ordure option...
Graphic description to say the least. Much, much, more from Rose's book, and well worth the read, previewed HERE in the Slate Magazine last month, in which is the quote:"He thought that I thought a toilet was my right, when he knew it was a privilege...It must be, when 2.6 billion people don't have sanitation. I don't mean that they have no toilet in their house and must use a public one with queues and fees. Or that they have an outhouse or a rickety shack that empties into a filthy drain or pigsty. All that counts as sanitation, though not a safe variety. The people who have those are the fortunate ones. But four in ten people have no access to any latrine, toilet, bucket, or box. Nothing. Instead, they defecate by train tracks and in forests. They do it in plastic bags and fling them through the air in narrow slum alleyways. If they are women, they get up at 4 a.m. to be able to do their business under cover of darkness for reasons of modesty, risking rape and snakebites. Four in ten people live in situations in which they are surrounded by human excrement, because it is in the bushes outside the village or in their city yards, left by children outside the back door. It is tramped back in on their feet, carried on fingers onto clothes and into food and drinking water."
Mahatma Ghandi"Sanitation is more important than independence."