And there's more: (Yorkshire Post) "One of Yorkshire's best known Labour members has launched a ferocious attack on the party and Gordon Brown"... "Alice Mahon, a Halifax MP for 18 years and a party member for more than 50 years, has resigned her membership of the party saying she can no longer stomach how it operates". h/t Guido."...some areas where the votes were being counted and collated were obscured from view. ...[The Electoral Commission] also voiced concern over aspects of the arrangements for postal voting."
Update 7pm (BST) In Message 230 on Guidos' blogpost Susan Stevens says - regarding another reason for Alice Mahon's resigning her party membership - "the method of selection of the Calder Valley Labour candidate last week. This is Cherie Blair’s step-mum, Steph Booth, who won with a majority from a large number of postal votes against another woman who had a majority of those present at the meeting." My emphasis.
The pattern is clear...any investigative journalists up to it?
Update 9pm (BST) Well it shouldn't be difficult to find something: The Halifax Courier says: "She was chosen in favour of the Mayor of Hebden Royd, Sue Press, at a packed meeting of Party members in Mytholmroyd Bowling Club last night." Clearly giving the impression that the packed meeting voted for Booth, except that they didn't: the Yorkshire Post tells us that Mrs Booth won by an almost 2-1 majority, 95-52 but of the 95 cast for Booth 73 were postal votes and for Susan Press only 17 were postal votes. h/t John BM
I love the replies on Guido's blog - although given his defence in the McSum e.mail case it appears that he doesn't read them very often himself.
ResponderEliminarWhen this broke I was saying Balls would be deep in this and lo and behold up it pops...
ResponderEliminarSome of the replies at Guido's are crap and crude and stupid, but not all!!! but the traffic has quintrupled since Easter.