"And so it was that Barack Hussein Obama visited Europe. In London, he rescued the world economy. In Strasbourg, he healed the Nato alliance. In Prague, he rid the world of nuclear weapons In Ankara, he reconciled Islam and the west. And on the seventh day, he got back on to Air Force One and disappeared into a cloudless sky."
What we have just witnessed was a glorious tour when the whole world watched as all of Europe listened with bated breath, hanging on his every word, his every action. Crowds of cheering, clapping happy Europeans that, when all is said and done, and despite the Obamamania - even from Prime Ministers and Presidents - will do...nothing. They will navel-gaze though not from any purpose of meditation but to block out and ignore their inablity to act on what needs to be done.
omphaloskepsis n. - contemplation of the navel for the purpose of obtaining philosophic calm.
omphaloskepsis wotsit sounds like a much nastier disease!