martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Obama on Oprah...

Well, not quite...but it will be first time in history that an incumbent POTUS gets interviewed on a daytime talk show. ABC's "The View" has the honour but on the website they describe the show as "ABC Daytime's morning chatfest, featuring a team of dynamic women of different ages, experiences and backgrounds discussing the most exciting events of the day"...hmmm. Odd. Anyway, his wife Michelle will be on too; let's hope it doesn't end in tears.

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2 comentarios:

  1. Loved Oprahs face when she saw how short the other woman's skirts were, brilliant! As an Irish friend, Siobhan, used to say, "Any shorter and she'd be wearing a hat."

  2. Elisabeth Hasselbeck...hmmmmm (in an American doll sort of way)
