lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

On other occasions...

Seventy years ago, it is a Thursday not a Sunday. And the weather, instead of being gloomy and overcast, is fine...

...German Stukas are out early, attacking the 21-ship convoy CW8 working its way through the Dover Straits. But this time, the attacks are augmented by E-boat forays.

Days of Glory: Day 16 - Battle of Britain. This is yesterday's post but the series started on Day 1: July 10th.

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4 comentarios:

  1. Ah yes,the start of the "Junior partner days"
    It makes me cross just to write it,the Bxxxxxd!

  2. Yes, unbelievable really. So unbelievable - and knowing that Cameron isn't stupid or uneducated - that I think he must have meant "the 1940s" and not just '1940'. Even then it isn't a very "British" thing to say even in front of the Yanks.

  3. Yes, I spent about 2 hours there the first time I went! Really good. I like the matter of fact way it is written. I know it's excerpts from a book but I read it in a plum-in-mouth Oxford-accented BBC radio news reader:

    "In Weymouth, bombs were recorded and Bristol was hit again. Aberdeen received a raid but there was little or no serious damage. In the north east of London, an estimated 120 bombs fell as well as incendiaries. A number of civilians are killed. Overnight, there is minelaying by the Luftwaffe in the Thames Estuary, Norfolk and the Bristol Channel."
