miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Odious ogre officially outed; only oblocutor O'Donnell obnubilates...

A reader contributes...

If you can't understand the title it means that at last Blair is being outed over the Iraq War lies and the intentional misleading of parliament. The smoking gun is in view, the evidence is now before the Chilcott Inquiry: big news but not particularly interesting to the MSM apparently because hardly anyone seems to be giving 'sufficient' coverage or column inches that the former Attorney General Lord Goldsmith's evidence deserves. I guess these days any day is "a good day to bury bad news". One who has reported it: Stephen Glover in today's Daily Mail. "At last, the damning evidence that should bury Blair for his lies over Iraq".

Unfortunately, Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O’Donnell has banned the Inquiry from releasing records of secret talks between Tony Blair and President George W. Bush...

Apart from the seeming lack of interest in giving Blair his comeuppance I also note that nobody seems to be mentioning Gordon Brown either; cunts. It is as though he has been airbrushed from history and all the problems the UK faces are now the evil Coalition's fault.

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2 comentarios:

  1. I am afraid I do not hold out much hope for Blair's or Brown's cumuppance in my lifetime. Blair is now a member of the global elite, with too many very important friends. I cannot think of a scenario in which they find it pragmatic to throw him to the wolves.

    Thanks for the link by the way.

  2. WW, thanks for your comment and unfortunately I think you are absolutely right...more's the pity!

    Re link, no worries...I like reading your blog (along with many others!)
