lunes, 10 de enero de 2011

Ows obvention...

obvention: n. - casual or occasional happening or gift.

Very ocasional: I agree with Brown! No, not Gordon (that would be too much) but with Yasmin Alibhai Brown: she, as an avowed "leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist, Muslim, part-Pakistani, and yes, a very responsible person" has come out in agreement with the Jack Straw despite his "devious, shady politicking and moral expediency" in regard to his comments on grooming and gang-rape of white girls by predatory Pakistani males. Instead of screaming 'racist' YAB states - quite rightly IMHO and surely in the opinion of any reasonable person:
"we need to expose and discuss more openly the underpinning values of the Asian criminal rings in many of our cities. If we don't, the evil will grow.

I will not melt the misdemeanours into generalities, and do not accept that ethnicity and sexual abuse cannot and should not ever be linked...
...Shouting down Jack Straw, busying ourselves with warnings about feeding the BNP, are displacement activities that will do nothing to stop Asian groomers, who, from childhood have developed distorted ideas about themselves, society, females, vice and virtue... is up to insiders to examine and reveal what lies beneath these crimes. We owe that to ourselves, to our future generations, and to the country we have made ours."
Amen to that.

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4 comentarios:

  1. It's the cover-up of events for fear of being called a racist that is confusing people (well those on the liberal left anyway). It's been interesting trawling back through the news archives that the BBC stood alone (apart from one case with the Times) in refusing to name names in five separate cases. Of course it's wrong to suggest that this is somehow endemic among all immigrant communities but it's equally wrong to ignore the fact that it is happening. The police must also be held to accountability on this issue as they have said they couldn't do more for fear of being accused of racism - to me that seems racist in itself.

  2. Hi Paul. I agree on all counts. (deriding the I just wonder how the headlines could change depending on the 'ethnicity' of those accused.

  3. I don't think the headlines would change and to be honest I've never been convinced that naming names is always a good thing. However it is clear that whilst grooming among white (for want of a better description) goes on it has been in Asian communities in Leeds, Blackburn, Rochdale, Rotherham and Derby where gangs have been involved and the BBC choose not to reveal this.

  4. I disagree on the headline point, well to expand a bit the headline and the sub-heading as often a few words are difficult to explain the whole truth anyway and only give the gist.
