jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

Other organ options...

Image link to fairtransplant.org
Not for the first time: there's the opt-out option, 'compulsory donation', and even theft but now a new way to increase the level of organ donantion. Prompted by the news of "the creeping advance of so-called 'nudge' theory resulting in the introduction of a question in the Driving Licence application process (to which the only answers are "Yes" and "Maybe later")" [shades of Monty Python -  Hello, can we have your liver? still so funny!]... Crash! Bang! Wallace suggests the Organ Mortgage: not a bad idea! Anything to encourage organ donation and transplantation as long as it respects medical ethics, safety, efficacy and accountability...

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2 comentarios:

  1. It looks like a good idea.

    I disagree with the line "My body belongs to me in the most fundamental way possible, not to the state to do with as it wishes,"
    I'm actually only looking after this body until cryogenics makes it possible to transfer my brain to a newer version and somebody who wants a slightly overweight 50 something body with diabetes can have this one.

  2. hahaha...I'm imaging a body with a glass jar with the 'pickled' head in, a la Futurama.

    I think it is a good idea, also the fair-transplant-org bit; especially as that's part of the copyright stipulations for using the image!
