viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Overdoing obesity...

I was interested to read that there has been a marked drop in the number of the bastards most probably responsible for more human deaths than any other single cause: the mosquito. However that is off topic but I do suspect there may be an inverse correlation between your chances of suffering death by mosquito and your chance of being affected by another epidemic: globesity. Obesity is one of the "most blatantly visible, yet most neglected, public health problems"; the Lancet has released a series about the global pandemic covering the challenge of obesity and what needs to change, the economic and health burdens, 'reversing the tide' and 'where next'. However I think most of it has already been said a couple of years ago; not by Owsblog - although I did suggest certain 'action this day' - but by Sander L. Gilman, Fat Chance (click on image). And despite all that Sander says, I suspect with the way we are heading, the globesity pandemic - such as it is - will soon start to subside.

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2 comentarios:

  1. One thing that I never hear debated is the amount of sugar and salt that are added to foods without any thought for the consequence. I know companies go on about reduced sugar but how about no sugar. It's so easy to blame Mr Lardy pants but the way some foods are put together now just encourages almost self conscious over indulgence.

  2. I agree entirely Paul (in fact in another Owsblog post - not the one linked above) we discuss exactly that! Salt for shelf life sugar to mask salt etc! What is also forgotten is that some fat is essential, sugar isn't.
