miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Ogre's opinion?...

And it's not mine!...but I did find it interesting albeit IMHO 'sanitised': "5 years ago today, Gordon Brown became Prime Minister. Here are some personal memories and reflections...". Damian McBride said to Gordon "Sod off, you Scottish Git!"...he did! I'll not go into detail about much more - and how much I hate Gordon etc. (you've heard all that before!) - but in all fairness, after reading deeper into the blog, and knowing how the civil servant/background/back-room teams seem to be letting down the Coalition so badly, McBride could teach them a thing or two.

2 comentarios:

  1. I suspect the reason why the backroom team are letting down the coalition - although to be fair you'd be hard pressed to guess what David Cameron's job in civvi street was - is a lack of motivation because everyday they hear or read about impending cuts.

    I find the proposals to go local for health and education spending interesting because it comes up every so often and is put on the back burner, you can go back to Heseltine, but now there are serious cuts to be made.

  2. Lack of motivation maybe, or prefer the old boss more likely but the back-room boys are the very people who should know "the truth" about the cuts.
