sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

Oro options...

Not a Christmas chocolate bar but the latest 'money' trend. Gold CombiBars; the demand is soaring reports ZeroHedge: gold, "always a parallel currency to paper, and soon to be serial, once the world shifts to a post-paper currency reality in which faith in infinitely creatable electronic paper money is finally destroyed". Latest from HERE: "The Valcambi 50 gram 999,9 24 carat CombiBar features fifty individual one gram gold bars which can be easily detached from the main bar... for a truly divisible investment or gift"!. The Slog joins in the 'gold rush': "Why gold is about to change from being a hedge metal to a bank-repairing élite currency". Interestingly, in the UK in 2012, it takes the same amount of gold (or silver) to buy a house a sit it did in the 1950s!

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