miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

Official oddities...

According to Venezuela's 'interim' leader Vice President Maduro, Krusty has appointed Elias Jaua** as Foreign Minister; the gang is forming [ESP] [ENG]. Jaua lost the Miranda State election last month to opposition presidential candidate against Krusty back in October, Henrique Capriles. Amusingly it was Jaua who said that Capriles didn't deserve to be re-elected governor as a consolation prize for his defeat in the presidential election...now who's won consolation prize? What's odd is that Krusty even signed the decree which is dated and signed in Caracas on January 15 (image, left) hmmm. This is odd in that Chavez hasn't been seen for a month and only this past weekend Ollanta Humala and Cristina Fernandez, the leaders of Peru and Argentina respectively, left Cuba without having been able to see him and that the Caracas government has consistently refused to provide detailed information on his health. Quite rightly Capriles has said today that if Chavez can sign decrees [edit - even being of sound enough mind to give the OK for doing it electronically] he can and should talk to the people.

** ex radical and militant leftie with two feet in the Castro camp [Daniel] (Jaua is one of many lefty ideologues and militants close to Chavez over the years: 'químicamente guerrilleros').

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