jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Olamic optimist...

"I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else"; that quote Winston Churchill sums me up really although I do become bitter and twisted fairly regularly these days; a case in point was the adulation shown because some half-rate New Labour has-been decide to go away...WTF? Anyway, the point of the post is the following: "For first time since Osbo’s March 2012 budget more people say they want a CON majority than a LAB one", admittedly only 29% to 28% (and 41% to 35% still want LAB in next government!) but at least it's a start and they need to start saying more about what they have achieved...I thought THIS was very New Labour! The only thing everyone seems to agree on: the LibDems as a coalition partner for anyone is not an popular option!

2 comentarios:

  1. It's an interesting list and nearly all good points - although in my experience even dyed in the wool Tories aren't falling for the energy tarriff lie.

  2. ...that and the NHS/police numbers sound like the NL pledge cards.
