sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

OMG V...

They have enough work to go round...

Professor Sir Brian Jarman, working on a government NHS review in the wake of the Stafford Hospital scandal (well, it should have been a scandal but you'd be forgiven for missing it) has said the number of excess deaths at these trusts alone over the past 10 years amounted to "a bit over 20,000"... [BBC]..."That's only looking at 14 of the 140 trusts - there are likely to be other trusts where they have numbers that exceed the national value". Now, obviously many of the trusts will be below average so we can't extrapolate those figures to 20,000 per year but all the same...what the fuck was/is going on?!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. I think we are both of an age where we know certain things happen which don't make the media and don't generate much attention. Sadly there are a lot of people out there who don't have any family at all and I am quite sure that once they go into hospital any neighbours forget about them after a few weeks - that's not an excuse at all because I share your concern and bewilderment, anger about this -

    P.s - that has to be one of the darkest illustrations you have ever used.

  2. Unbelievable really and although there is coverage there is no outrage, just a 'nothing to see here' yet look at plebgate etc and the mountains of coverage in all media.

    It is a good image though isn't it! :-)
