sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Opaque Obamastan Oversight...

Benghazigate: Obama was outed last year before the elections: the lies continued but now the chickens are coming home to roost with "fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults" writes Stephen F. Hayes at The Weekly Standard. CIA officials identified Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda-linked Islamic terrorists as the culprits behind the murder of four Americans "clearly and repeatedly". Why the lies to hide this, why was the news suppressed? Well we know don't we? Melanie Philips: Obamastan, "The Obama administration is playing down the Islamist threat to the US and the free world, empowering Islamists at home and abroad, endangering America and betraying its allies" Jason Chaffetz, Special to CNN: Obama has explaining to do on Benghazi: "These concerted efforts by the State Department to conceal information from Congress should raise red flags." Bloomberg: Obama Administration Defends Changing Benghazi Account "Obama administration officials insisted that the White House and State Department had a minor role in altering an erroneous account of a deadly attack on a U.S. compound in Libya last year, after internal e-mails surfaced indicating it was shaped by political concerns." Karl Rove on Fox News (yeah, yeah): Team Obama desperate to distract Americans from Benghazi truth. Ron Fournier, National Journal: Why Benghazi is a Blow to Obama and Clinton: "The administration’s response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on U.S. installations in eastern Libya was inaccurate, irresponsible and shrouded by campaign-style spin."

Don't laugh at the sources I link to, find others; the word is certainly out and spreading.

Update: interesting take from David Preiser at BiasedBBC on how the BBC got it wrong thinking it was just pre-election partisan shenanigans...got it wrong accidentally on purpose?

4 comentarios:

  1. Have you been watching Megyn Kelly on Fox with this story, it's like watching a dog with a bone she's brilliant - I wish we had some television journalists at home with her balls. She managed to get two experts from either side of the argument to agree one night this week - with her and with each other!

    Good article by Peter Watson in The Times last week which is sort of counter to Melanie Philips piece. He reckons that most of the current group of terrorists are choosing Jihadism as a lifestyle choice and has nothing to do with the 'war on terror' type of extremism - he cites the Birmingham bombers who all returned from Pakistan because they couldn't actually take the physical punishment of training to be a 'proper terrorists'.

  2. Yes, the Times has been good lately with a few good pieces. However I'm sure he is right (SURE) because 'modern' terrorism has almost always been the same: students get radicalised by some major event/ history/ person synonymous with 'the cause' and off you go. Starts with petty stuff and moves into serious terrorism. It's just the 'war on terror' has a massive advantage of radical Islam to blame.

    Re those that came back...hmmm...I hope they're being closely watched. Seems an ideal way for some smart terrorist boss to get a 'double agent'in a Western security because with the experience and knowledge of 'the weaklings' now they'll have been "debriefed" and may even be candidates for an 'advisory' job with our security forces.

  3. Who has been laughing at your links?

  4. Just me imaginging people would (Fox News, Melanie P etc)!!
