jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Ouch! III...

The Times tells us that voters trust Gordon Brown more than Ed Miliband! Even worse when you consider that at least Red Ed has some benefit of the doubt as he hasn't been tried and tested (and failed) like Crash Gordon has: "Ed Miliband is viewed by voters as less trustworthy, decisive or competent than Gordon Brown, according to a new poll." [Link £££]. And there's still the question of Balls.

Guido has done the favour of making it all very clear in graph form.

4 comentarios:

  1. Research by the independents has found that Ed come across poorly in soundbites, whereas Cameron, Clegg and, surprisingly, Brown did. However when it comes to longer interviews, broadcasts Ed does the best because he has the time to get his message across. Apparently the most common reactions to Ed were, "He looks weird and I can't understand him."

    Ed Balls just comes across as the epitomy of every politician I have ever disliked rolled into one, regardless of party.

  2. LOL re Ed Balls...yes, unfortunately for him most people agree with you!

    Re ED Mil I get the impression is that the more time he is given the more he exposes himself as a complete dimwit.

    Not much time for blogging and commenting lately and most unfortunate timing of Woolwich issue as I am in Muslim countries for several weeks!

  3. ...indeed, the gunfight a few yards from my hotel night before last didn't help. (guess the country...)
