lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Olisbos or ollapods' ophelimic officinal option...

From angina to vagina: this Friday, the drug sildenafil citrate, better known as Viagra, loses its UK patent; the 15 years are up, and that's not the only thing! (OK, OK!). The first oral cure for impotence will suddenly have a lot of competition. It certainly works but was it the sexual be-all-and-end-all that people think? No, not really, as Miss Cox (nice name for a sex therapist) says, "Suddenly, men thought anything could be solved by a pill...If only that were true." Charlie Cooper's article in yesterday's Independent makes interesting reading, if you had the paper copy you'd also see the ad for a free tablet...or was that from PC World?

ophelimity: n. - the ability to please (not necessarily sexually)

ollapod: n. - pharmacist

officinal: adj. - used in medicine; stocked by pharmacists; n. such drug.

olisbos: n. - a dildo (readers of Owsblog may remember this word)

As so often, Owsblog obscure words from Luciferous Logolepsy.

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