sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Obeisance often overlooked...

Today is Armed Forces Day: "Today, thousands of people across the country celebrated the men and women of the Armed Forces, past and present, at more than 300 events to mark the fifth annual Armed Forces Day."  I'm a long way off in a hot land but top marks to Cranmer for pointing out that "[Armed Forces Day] will be overlooked by millions who are oblivious, and ignored by millions more who will be aware of it but completely detached from it". His excellent post ends so well:
"Remembrance Sunday is to commemorate the dead: Armed Forces Day is to appreciate the living. Thank them while you can."

2 comentarios:

  1. This had a long build-up on commercial radio, a series of adverts played a couple of times an hour during peak time for about two weeks. The BBC also did a fair bit of coverage for it - I think in both cases it was possibly because the previous four may have had less publicity. There was a parade near us and with some other events also taking place I think some things were included in those rather than have separate events.

  2. Hi Paul, just seen this comment! Yes, it seems to be growing in stature, I didn't see any TV coverage as I'm away so glad my bete noire pulled its sock up :-)
