sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Obstrobogulous ohrwürmer...

Anna seems to have hit on something: "Hey! You! Get Off of my Shroud!"..."The hierarchy of the Labour Party he knew and loved, the inner sanctum he revelled in, was as grey and wrinkled, as potbellied and knock kneed, as a Rolling Stone. It was on its final journey to the mortuary; bedevilled by debt, in hock to the Co-operative loan sharks; bullied and abused by its ‘carers’ – UNITE; no longer able to live an independent and self-principled life."

Huddled with other 'hard-line left activists' in Left Field ** along with UK Feminista, Tony Benn, Owen Jones, Billy Bragg and Ricky Tomlinson (the latter on about  - ironically - 'Power in a Union') and involved in oh so Radical Round-Up and lefty 'biting satire' seem to have done for Tom s very soon after, he left the field.

** now I know why the BBC send so many staff!

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