sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Outstanding ounces...

Saturday 7:30 p.m. BST: no, not ounces but Lions! Just seen the highlights: great win. A halfpenny: no, not the old 1/480th of a pound sterling but Leigh Halfpenny: 85Kg x 32.15 (troy ounces) = 2732.75 x USD1223.8  =  more or less US3,344,340 Dollars...yep, worth his weight in gold! And I doubt they'll be any arguments about him winning the Player-of-the-Series award either.

2 comentarios:

  1. Fantastic match and a great way to end a series. Halfpenny stood out not just because of his kicking but because of his positional sense which created two tries. A good all round performance despite some dodgy warm-up matches.

  2. yes great result, great game. When you look at the full Welsh back line-up you start to wonder how the 6 Nations could have gone anywhere else!
