martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Oath of office...

Sign the petition HERE

If (and when, I hope) Leave wins, we could still be kept in the EU (as many of us suspect anyway). Here's how, text, partly edited, is borrowed from eforce on this Zero Hedge article: Brits "Appalled, Disgusted" At Brexit Postal Ballot 'Fraud' re, obviously, a probable Postal Vote stitch up in the coming EU Referendum. This info can also be confirmed HERE ("Was Britain Taken Into The EU Illegally?" on Vernon Coleman's interesting and informative website. I am also inclined to recall the Treason.

"The machinery to keep the UK as part of the EU was decided long before the referendum was announced.

The referendum is just a safety valve to placate those citizens upset by the way they have little say in how their affairs are decided.

[Previously] one could go to the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand and lay a complaint at common law that someone had caused you harm or loss. There would be no charge to lay such a complaint, neither would there be any court costs because as Magna Carta dictates - justice should be free and available to all.

About that time Lord Levenson introduced his Guide to the Queens Bench (The Queen's Bench Guide - PDF)

In this he describes the three different catagories of Queens Bench but omits the fourth, the common law court of record. Who knows precisely why he did that; but a fair guess is that any one UK resident could make a complaint at common law that his prime minister had caused him harm by giving away his sovereignty.

The judge in a common law court goes on his oath of office. If he does not follow precedent he can be sued. In all other courts although the man [...] is called a judge in law he is not a judge. He is just a clerk working for the company known as the ministry of justice. This is why they are called administrative courts which conduct the business of the court. These pretend judges cannot be sued because the rules of the business, a statute also called an act with exactly the same meaning as a stage act, created by parliament, has given these clerks a protected status. This means that they do not have to follow the rules of law that the rest of the population have to do. You might now understand why some very strange decisions are made by these pretend judges.

One persistent man was able to get past the Clerks at Royal Courts of Justice but when he tried to present his case at common law, the judge said he had no jurisdiction because he refused to go on his oath of office.

You might now be wondering what this has to do with the referendum. It's because Cameron has already stated that he will use the Lisbon treaty to leave the EU if the vote is to leave. Bear in mind that when in opposition, Cameron rubbished the Lisbon treaty. He knows that it was designed by unelected bureaucrats to make it difficult for any country to leave and anyway is subject to qualified majority voting.

After June the 23rd and we vote to exit the EU, the population will breathe a sigh of relief that it's all over and leave it to the politicians to get on with it; after all isn't that what we pay them for.?.

This is where Cameron and Osborne are correct. All parties agree that it will take at least two years of negotiations during which time the uncertainty will cause the predicted depression in the economy. This will reverse most of the opinions of the leave group who will change their mind and agree to stay in.

During which time Parliament will vote through the bill which is waiting in the wings, having already been debated and just waiting to be signed into law.

THIS ACT, not reported in the media, removes from the Queen the duty to veto a bill that is against her subject's sovereignty.

You might be puzzling and wonder what this has to do with Parliament's duty to act in the public's interest. Wonder no more.

Before 1972 when Prime Minister Edward Heath signed the Treaty of Rome for us to join the common market, now the EU. he asked the top law officer at the time the legal implications of signing the treaty. This man, the Lord Chancellor Lord Kilmuir described our constitution evolving from Magna Carta and even before, and wrote that giving away our sovereignty to another state would be illegal. Heath still signed it and misled parliament by stating that there was no loss of sovereignty. Before he died he admitted his conduct in his memoirs.

Here an understanding of the international law of treaties will help you see what the government's problem is and what is really is motivating them. Any treaty where fraud or deception is used is immediately null and void. So since 1972 when more illegal treaties have been signed the government has kept this fact from you.

The letter was hidden under the thirty year rule but was prized from the archives by an activist. Then the government machine was cranked up to block any move to expose the subject to the public. The media know of the letter but dare not discuss it. The eurosceptic politicians know of the letter but will not admit in public to it's existence. So you have the British public in a state of confusion with all the lying statistics from both sides of the Brexit argument. Don't you think that their minds would be clarified if they knew that we had joined the EU by power mad controllers who lied to them?"

[See the letter and sign the petition HERE]

"If this petition gets to 10,000 before 23rd June, the government has to comment on it...

[...] Sign the petition. Get this letter's contents into the public domain and you can then demand that the treaties be declared null and void so that the laws that gave away our sovereignty back to 1972 would revert back to the position pertaining in 1972.

Follow the thought through and you will realise that our exclusive 12 mile fishing boundary would be returned over night. Alright there might be some stock market jitters but the jitters felt by the other EU countries would cause them to consider what best suits them is for our trading arrangements to remain the same. The European army and other evils we could just walk away without too much trouble. So please do not let these politicians confuse you by their convoluted rhetoric. The matter is clear and simple. The EU treaties are against our laws. We the people need to get this fact out to one and all.

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