sábado, 28 de mayo de 2016

Out, out, out! III...

No comment from Ows, just a great speech by David Davis [edited], posted in full on The Conservative Woman: "This week, the former Shadow Home Secretary and Europe Minister David Davis made a major intervention in the EU referendum debate. In a powerful speech, Davis set out exactly why a brighter future lies ahead for a Britain freed from the shackles of a supranational corpse that hasn’t created any jobs in the UK. Below is the speech in its entirety.":
"It is now exactly four weeks until the British people make the most momentous decision of modern times.

I rather wish that the standard of argument from the other side had lived up to the occasion.

In the past few weeks, the British people have been accused not only by the EU but by their own leaders here, shockingly, of being small-minded, ignorant, economically illiterate, and even ‘horrible racists’ for wanting to leave the EU.

They, we, have been bombarded with a plethora of scare tactics, and with myth after myth about the many miracles the European Union brings about and the disasters that will allegedly rain down on us if we leave.

Many of those supposed disasters have in fact been extraordinarily unsubtle threats, in which European countries threaten to act against their own interest to take revenge on us for the terrible sin of resigning from their club"
....one more snippet:
"To parody Groucho Marx, I wouldn’t want to be a member of any club who threatened to ruin me if I left it. Particularly when those threats have been so petulant and implausible."
Read it all HERE.

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