sábado, 2 de diciembre de 2017

Odious oleaginous olid oblocutor...

The evil, treacherous vampire squid scum that is Tony Blair just refuses to go away. The zombie appearance combines with a zombie characteristic of just not dying enough. In any other century he would have been executed long ago. He has written to his co New Labour slime-ball cunt Alastair Campbell with a 'secret memo': "My 12-point plan for stopping Brexit". [LINK]. 

Hang on a minute...this must be a spoof: "Your skill at putting a first-class case for second-rate policies served us well in the old days before Gordon messed it all up"...simply the truth but so strange to think Blair would utter any truth. 

In fact he reveals a few home truths: "Much as cosmopolitans like you, me and Peter [Mandelson, the third of the four - with Gordon Brown - new Labour traitors who should be in the deepest darkest dungeon of the land] love the EU, it was always a deal designed to suit the interests of France and Germany rather than Britain....". Obvious but worth restating always. "Another fear campaign won’t work."...'another', revealing, eh?

"Accept that Britain has its problems but don’t admit to the scale of a disaster which can be blamed on us." Ha! At least he realises the shitefest he has brought down on us. "Warn about galloping inflation rather than the cheaper food available outside EU agricultural protectionism.".

"Don’t fraternise with the enemy or run to Juncker, Merkel or Macron. All these pilgrimages (mea culpa) make it look as though we’re helping them and snitching on Britain"...Yes, it does. So much truth, no wonder this was supposed to be 'secret'!

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